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~Y/n's POV~

"Tony, do we really need to dress up to look extravagant?" currently we had all been called to the communal area by Tony in order to discuss tonight's Christmas party, Loki was with Nick Fury to discuss more about Thanos before we headed back for Asgard.

"Yes, come on the heirs head home soon we have to send them off properly!" I give a playful look towards Tony at his comment as he just stares at me with a semi-pleading look.

"Tony, I dress extravagant quite a bit with Asgardian festivities can we at least tone it down slightly for this one?" he looks as if in thought for a moment before nodding and giving in which everyone was very grateful for.

"So now dress code has been sorted, everything is in place for tonight be there for around 7.30pm. Understood?" everyone fake salutes at Tony's words to which he rolls his eyes, flips us off and heads back to do whatever it was he was going to do while we all snickered to ourselves while Modi began to giggle herself.

"Teaching her well, good." I smirk towards Modi sat in her mother's lap making Jane roll her eyes.

"You're around Loki too much." to that I just shrug and look at the time noticing it was 5pm already we had all shared a pizza together since we knew the party was taking place tonight, so at this I decided to stand up.

"Alright, I'm to go and start getting ready for later. See you guys in a bit." they all bid me goodbye and I head straight for Loki's room which had generally just become our room, once I walk in I remember the mess that the room was in. Me and Loki haven't been the cleanest while being back on Midgard but we had been so busy getting into the swing of a more normal life, sure we had been on a few missions with the Avengers but that is what we signed up for and it was nice. I realise that with the sate of the room I should probably tidy it up before getting ready, I had been using my power for mundane things recently but I quite enjoyed how therapeutic these regular cleaning activities were. Maybe I did have slight OCD but nonetheless I started to pick up all the clothing around the room deciphering between what was clean and what was dirty, once I had done this I chucked the dirty clothing into the hamper in our room before starting to fold up or hang up the clean clothing placing it all back where it belonged.

As I finished up the last of the clothing, I noticed all the things that were out of place or the rubbish so I got to work on putting everything back where it belonged. All of a sudden, the door opens so I turn to face the door to see a very tired and dishevelled Loki enter the room and lay on the bed. I place the book in my hands on it's shelf before making my way over to where Loki laid and sat down beside him looking down with raised eyebrows.

"So, how did it go?" at this I receive a heavy sigh to which I chuckle ever so slightly causing Loki to raise the arm covering his face and look up at me with an unamused look.

"It was draining, prolonged and down right annoying. There is not much more information I can give at all." I hum in agreement with him before running my fingers through his hair and we stay this way for a few moments before he suddenly sat up making my hand drop from his hair as he glanced around the room.

"You've tidied up." I smile to him as he turns to face me.

"Yeah, it was getting bad and we're leaving in 2 days so I thought I might as well before I got ready." I stood up heading towards our closet to start looking through my clothes for a simple party outfit.

"Get ready?"

"Well yeah, the Christmas party is tonight at 7.30pm which means we've got about an hour to get ready." I continue to rummage through the clothes nothing really catching my attention yet.

"You mean, you've got an hour to get ready. I've got seconds." I roll my eyes at his comment, he knew most of the times I liked to do these processes without his magic and so did he but he tended to use his a lot more.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to start getting ready so do as you please." he hums while I find a lovely gold dress that wasn't too much but not too little, I smile to myself before setting on the bed beside Loki who had chosen to read the book he had gotten from the library. Before getting dressed I chose to get my hair and make up done first to which I sat on the floor in front of the mirror where I began to brush out my hair letting it's natural wave run down my back before plaiting a crown around my head leaving pieces of hair to frame my face. Once I was happy with my hair I moved to make up, using my power to bring my bag over to where I was sat putting everything on quite lightly using blush and eyeshadow to add some shine and glow to my face. Being pleased with the outcome I stand up and notice Loki put his book down heading to the closet to get dressed himself now.

I start undressing myself not remembering the garments I was wearing under my clothing but it didn't matter either way, it worked for the evening. Once undressed I put the dress on making sure it didn't mess up my hair or make up and situating it on myself the way it should before two strong arms wrap around my waist pulling me into an even taller and larger frame. All too quickly I feel warm breath on my neck and collarbone letting a sigh escape as feather kisses were pressed to that exact spot.

"Loki.." I mutter in a warning tone earning a smirk from the man.

"What's wrong dove?" I look over to the clock on my side table to see we had to be at the party in 10 minutes while Loki continued his feather light kisses.

"We have to be there on time this time." his response to this was to give my hips a tight squeeze making me yelp slightly before I turn around in his arms to face a very proud God of Mischief staring down at me with that mischievous glint in his eyes.

"What's wrong with being fashionably late?" I roll my eyes before looping my arms around his neck with a goofy smile as he holds me closer.

"That's usually Tony's thing." he hums in agreement at this and starts rubbing small circles on my hips making me swoon ever so slightly.

"Well we are going to hold higher status over him very soon, I'm sure he can start making exceptions." he leans down to capture my lips in a slow kiss as my hands drift to his long locks, soon the kiss gets more heated as we go on breaking away very few times for air. His hands glide slowly to cup my ass giving it a squeeze so I jump up wrapping my legs around his waist as he holds me with ease never once breaking the kiss while he kneads my ass and moves us towards the bed, once reaching the bed he half tosses me onto it making me scowl at him as he climbs on top of me with a smirk.

"Seriously?" I ask him to which he just nods and dips to kiss me again, trailing them across my jaw line towards my neck quickly finding my sweet spot.

"Loki...." I get a hum in response.

"We can't..." at this he bites my sweet spot not enough to hurt completely but just enough to elicit a moan filled grown from my lips.

"Seems like the rest of you disagrees with your statement." I loved and hated the effect he had on me but I wouldn't change that at all, the bond made me need him more and more as time with him went on but I wasn't complaining. Suddenly, there's a knock on our door making Loki groan and lift up to look at me once more as I smile sweetly.

"What." I give Loki a look as if to say 'don't be rude' to which he ignores.

"You guys coming? We're all heading up now together." Loki emits a sigh and dips to give me one quick kiss before getting up from on top of me.

"Yeah, Wands we'll be right out." I respond as me and Loki stood up and I notice Loki's attire and slight issue.

"Uh Lokes you've got 2 issues, first look down and second your hair is messy." at this Loki readjusts himself before using his magic to do his hair how he previously had it slicked back slightly with gel, once ready he smiles while entwining our hands and we head out to be met with everyone.

"What took you guys so long?" at this Loki squeezes my hand.

'Many things, right dove?' I blush at his voice in my head before clearing my throat.

"Waiting on Loki, he was procrastinating again." he gives me an incredulous look while they all nod and we head to the party deck together.

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