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~Y/n's POV~

Me and Loki had been here for 3 months now and we had been having a great time, there were a few occasions where we were needed for a mission with the Avengers and that was always fun it gave us a thrill. The girls made sure to take me out often for shopping and whatever fun times they'd thought of having that day, we did many group activities too all together including baby Modi who was starting grow a little restless due to teething but it was understandable. Today the Avengers had a mission but me and Loki were told to sit out of this one since we were here on a sort of vacation so it was just us two including Jane and Modi, right now me and Loki were sat on the sofa in our pjs watching the TV show Friends which we had started watching while being here until we heard a loud cry getting closer and closer from the hallway.

"Jane seems to be stressed." I said to Loki still glued to the TV but Loki didn't seem to be paying attention to anything until Jane waltzed in with an unhappy Modi bouncing him all the way.

"She won't stop crying I don't know what to do." I felt bad for Jane so I stood up from my cuddling position which finally caught Loki's attention and I walked over to Jane.

"Here, let me try. Give you a break." she handed handed Modi over to me and sat on the sofa looking exhausted, I positioned Modi to face me and begin to sway her around while making sounds to match the motions until eventually she started to settle pretty soon and eventually she was fast asleep I looked to the other two to see Jane's shocked face and Loki's happy one.

"You have a gift." I chuckle quietly as Jane came over to double check she actually was asleep.

"Yeah well here you go." I go to hand her back but Jane just moves away from me.

"Nope, please for today can you just watch her for me. This will give me time to go and do science stuff, please." I sigh looking to a sleeping Modi and then back to a tired Jane before nodding.

"Of course, go." she hugs me gently before thanking me and taking her leave, I carefully move back towards Loki where he lets me sit back down leaning into his side slightly with Modi still in my arms.

"So we're babysitting now?"

"Yes Lokes, sorry Jane seemed exhausted she needed time to herself since Thor could be back at any point this week." 

"No need to be sorry, I don't mind." I smile at him before turning my attention back to the TV knowing Modi was perfectly asleep, we had stayed this way for most of the time up until lunch time and we were getting quite hungry.

"Alright we need food, why don't you set Modi in her crib." I follow Loki towards the kitchen.

"I want to but she could wake up if I set her down now." he shakes his head at me as I sit at the kitchen counter while Loki pulls out bread and bacon, he had decided to cook us some bacon sandwiches for lunch.

"You realise you're surprisingly good at parenting, even though you aren't one."

"I've always adored children, babies especially it's just natural to me. Don't worry I'm not hinting that I want one." he nods at my comment while I look back to Modi who was staring wide eyed at me.

"Hello there." pretty soon the sound of a plate on the counter made me look up to see Loki had finished preparing us lunch so now I knew I had to put Modi down so I walked over to the foldable play area they had created for Modi when we were all in the communal space, once there I sat Modi in it with some toys before heading back to the kitchen.

"Enjoy." I smile at Loki before beginning to eat my lunch with him.

"It's been nice to be away from Asgard for a while, your mother was driving me a little insane."

"I realise she was pressuring you about marriage and taking the throne, it is nice to be away from my father and pressure of becoming King some day." 

"Jane and Thor's fault for putting this on us." he laughed at m comment.

"I can agree on that." I hum to him before finishing my sandwich and heading to the sink to clean it.

"I mean we both agreed we were going to wait so it got annoying having it dictated." I dried of the plate before putting it in the cupboard, me and Loki hadn't really discussed the stresses of Asgard since the fight but it felt good to talk more yet I was the one doing most of the talking about it all so once I put the dish back and turned around I saw a deep in thought Loki.

"What's wrong Lokes?" I asked as I stood before him.

"My father made a comment during one of our sessions of training that got me thinking."

"Uh oh." he glares at me as I put my hands up in defence before going back to a confused look.

"What was it?" he just looked to me.

"Well at this point I was beginning to get stressed and he gave me advice, that the weight is easier to bare with a strong queen by your side who will care for you and help you when needed." 

"Where are you going with this Loki?" 

"Well, he isn't wrong I've seen him and my mother they knew right away. They didn't wait." I had a feeling I knew where he was going to end up with this conversation and how we got here I didn't know but the thought made me feel many different things at once.

"Loki are you..." 

"I am, why don't we get married." I stare shocked for a moment thinking over what he had just said before Modi's cries filled the room so I decided to head straight to her, picking her up and immediately cuddling her while Loki came into the room.

"Dove, I know we said we'd wait but we know we're going to be there with one another for our lives why put it off." I really did not know what to say to Loki right now, marrying him is the one thing I was so sure about but being asked this way and his reasoning being stress was a little insulting.

"Loki, I want to marry you of course I do but basing this off of stress and asking this way doesn't make me feel too great so I'm not going to agree not right in this moment." all of a sudden Modi starts balling her eyes out so Loki takes her from my arms.

"I understand dove, don't worry I'm not gonna leave you because of that like most would." I roll my eyes as he starts feeding Modi with her bottle as I sat back down and began watching Friends again and we decided to completely ignore the thought of getting married and Loki asking all together.

Soul Bonded (Loki x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora