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~Y/n's POV~

I felt like utter and complete shit, I had been resting and taking medication for the past 4 days and sure I felt a bit better than before the medication but I still felt terrible I had gotten back a bit of an appetite now including I was sleeping a little less with more mobility but I still felt shit. I spent all my time in my room Loki with me the entire time only leaving when he was needed, to grab food and use the bathroom but I was thankful he was here. Peter visited regularly much like right now and I had always said he was like a little brother to me but recently it started seeming like he was slowly becoming Loki's too, I was resting against the headboard not being as tired right now while Loki did the same thing except instead of us cuddling we had Peter doing the exact same as us sat in between us watching the film we had put on when he entered. 

"It was so easy to tell Ron and Hermione were destined to be together." that was right we had started watching Harry Potter and were currently on film 3 and Peter was nerding the room out completely but we didn't mind, and the others didn't seem to mind that I was ill with coughing fits and sneezes I was grateful to them for that.

"Spoiler alert Pete." I smirked to him as he shied away at my comment.

"Sorry, I forget Loki is from Asgard and you were a captive." I smile while ruffling his hair making him annoyed.

"It's alright we don't mind." Loki says as I nod and Peter gets hooked on the film again reciting pretty much every line, we got closer to the end of the film and I decided to take my medication much to my dismay and I gag at the taste but it was clearly working so I had to. Pretty soon the film had ended and I looked to my right to see a sleeping Peter on Loki and it warmed my heart entirely.

"What's the look for?" Loki whispered to me and I just smiled.

"It's hard to think you were the guy that attacked New York." he sighs.

"I know."

"But it's a good thing, you're great with Peter and Modi." he nods at my comment before Peter cuddles into Loki more.

"I think you should take him to bed though as much as I'd love him to stay I'm ill and already risking it with you, we're lucky he's fine the amount of time he spends in here." I brush Peter's hair from his face when a thought hit me.

"You know how you and Thor are like over 1000 years old?" Loki hums for me to continue.

"Well since he and Jane have had a child together what does that mean for Modi?" Loki doesn't answer for a moment.

"Well I suppose it can depend, it looks like Modi may have slower growth and ageing than Midgardians but not as slow as Thor and I." 

"If we have children it could be either Midgardian life expectancy, both or Asgardian?" Loki looked up at me I suppose I was a little concerned over our lives and the fact I was Midgardian and Loki still had many years to live and if we had children it was unknown.

"Yes it can, but there is something only me and Thor know of and our parents." I urge him to go on while Peter moved to get comfortable still cuddling to Loki.

"Well there is a limited source of apples on Asgard that were a gift to the gods for their triumphs in the battle of Elm, these apples have the ability to give someone much like a Midgardian the life of a god therefore the life expectancy." 

"So, they're in your families possession and I suppose they cannot be given to anyone." he shakes his head.

"But they spoke to us a little while ago when finding out both their sons had fallen in love with Midgardian women that when one of us pair shall ascend to the throne, one of you two depending who it would be would be given one of these apples." my eyes widen at this as I sit up slightly being careful to not wake Peter.

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