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~Y/n's POV~

"Where is her saddle?" I look over to Odin with a smile as I clip the reigns on Mystique, today we were travelling to Avengers Tower to meet the baby since the time was a bit different we had agreed with Frigga and Odin when we stayed longer to use Midgardian technology to capture images of the baby growing up. Usually they were against Midgardian technology but for this they were thankful for it since 2 months here was close to a year in Midgard which meant frequent visits were going to happen. 

"Me and her came to agreement since she despised wearing them, she at least wears the reigns if she wants no saddle." Austin soon brings over the King's horse they would ride while Loki was bringing over his horse, once all gathered we all climbed on to our horses climbing onto Mystique being rather easy now and making our way to the Bifrost.

"Heimdall it is wonderful to see you again." I hopped off my horse while the others get here and immediately greet Heimdall, I had not seen him for a good while.

"Lady Y/n, it is good to see you too. You have been keeping well I assume." 

"Yes I have." pretty soon the others join us and all greet Heimdall themselves, before Loki tells Heimdall where we were heading and soon the Bifrost is open to us and we enter almost immediately and land on the Hellipad of the tower.

"This is Avenger tower?" me and Loki share a smile at the Queen and King's confusion before nodding and leading them towards the door to take us inside the building down to the communal floor where everyone would probably be and of course we were right.

"I reckon I could size up a bear." as we enter I decide to make us known.

"Sam you're so short you wouldn't even size up an ant." a chorus of laughter takes place before we receive hugs and welcomes again, we had been gone for almost 3 years here it always surprised me the difference but it seemed like everyone kept themselves busy and we visit when we can.

"Where are Thor and Jane?" I ask to no one in particular.

"Right here." the four of us turn to see them enter the room with the cutest baby I had ever seen of course it was a little older now but still a baby.

"Guys meet Modi. Our daughter." Frigga immediately went over to Jane and held her granddaughter I could tell Thor was a little disappointed at having a girl but almost every guy is, and Jane was over the moon.

"Oh she is precious." I glance to the Avengers for a moment before noticing someone offering me an unopened beer so I walk over and gladly take it from them opening it there and then taking a seat beside Natasha.

"Thanks Nat." we clink our glasses as we watch Frigga display Modi to Odin who even had a smile on his face, Loki hadn't really moved he was slightly terrified of babies he didn't want to hurt them  which was ridiculous since I knew he wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Loki why are you still stood there, meet your niece." I watch Loki warily walk over to his mother who hands him Modi and at first he holds her rather unsure but as his mother guides him through it soon he doesn't seem to be holding her so awkwardly.

"She is quite adorable." I got a weird feeling seeing Loki hold a baby like that, I started wondering what it would be like if it were our child for starters I was hoping it was a boy but a girl did make sense for Loki however I knew it didn't matter the gender we would love it just as much. Loki would read to them like he did me, I would teach them about Midgard while he taught them of Asgard but we would both do the important things like teach them how to fight and do magic and importantly how to be independent. 

"Dove, you want a hold?" I put my beer down and immediately put my arms out ready to take the baby the others laughed a little before he passed me the baby and I immediately sat her on my lap to face me, and then I completely zoned out of conversation taking place around me being souly focused on the aby in my arms making faces and talking in a cute tone to her. Maybe I loved babies more than I let on but being around one again just brought back the baby fever completely and I was not sorry for it.

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