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~Y/n's POV~

We had just tied up the horses at the nearest stables Loki making sure they got the proper care they deserved especially ours since they were royal stallions, once that was all sorted he came over and took my hand in his before getting us all to walk on and we walked past many buildings and stalls and the different looks were bewildering in an amazing way. It was clear to see the others were stunned by the raw, natural beauty of Asgard rendering us all speechless until we stopped at a stall with baked goods.

"May we have 15 pain au chocolats?" The lady stares in surprise at us for a moment before nodding with a smile and readying what Loki requested for us when a small group of children came over staring up at Loki, so I nudged him grabbing his attention before gesturing to his right hand side.

"You're Prince Loki, aren't you?" The more confident child had asked.

"Yes I am but call me Loki." This brought a smile to the child's face as they all giggled a little us all sharing glances when our attention was averted back to the woman running the stall.

"Here you go, and please do not worry about pay." I take the bag smiling thankfully.

"Are you sure?" Loki asks and she nods with a smile before I began letting everyone take there own for lunch while Loki turned back to the still crowded children.

"Can you do some magic for us?" This shocked Loki a little before glancing to us and I just urged him to do so, and he did. He lead the children to a larger space near us and got them to sit down together and even more children quickly followed while adults cleared the way for Loki. Loki backed away into the space and began to perform some magic, to start he did simple things like make objects appear, including some toys for the kids which made them smile before one of them caught Loki's attention.

"Do something extravagant!" Loki stops for a moment before looking at me and gesturing me over so timidly I walk towards him.

"I need your help for this one." He says to me as he begins to form a small green orb in his hand.


"You and me are going to combine our powers to make an orb which we will launch into the sky and once it explodes a dragon is formed. Can you do that with me?" I think for a moment, I was still recovering but it was clear Loki was enjoying the kids attention and the idea of them trusting him so I nod and place my palm over his already green one and let my power do the same as he had done previously merging our two powers, this felt odd but in a good way until we had to expand so we carefully started to pull our palms apart the green, gold colour swimming together looked out of this world we continued to push power into the orb and pictured the same thing, our mind link making it easier to do so. We shared a look.

'1, 2...'

'3' I finished for him and we aren't the orb high into the air where it explodes and a green coured dragon with golden accents and eyes flew from the explosion dancing around the crowds and their adoring eyes, it was pretty amazing what we could create until soon it disappeared and an applause rang out before the kids ran back towards us.

"That was awsome!"

"You guys are incredible!"

"We loved it and you guys!" I laugh at their hyper reactions before raising my arms to try and quiet them.

"Sh, sh, sh." Slowly they quieten down.

"Thank you very much, we're glad you liked it now I'm sorry but we have to go now." At this their faces fall a little which makes my heart throb a little but they say goodbye to us and we join back with the others.

"That was quite the show reindeer games, you too whispey." I roll my eyes at Tony before punching his shoulder earning a glare from him but before it can continue Loki pulls me back to his waist.

"Thank you but let us continue there's a few architectures here that you must see." We all nod and drift into conversation and laughters fill the streets from us, we earned a few stares and whispers but we didn't much mind. Me and the boys kept playing fun jokes and friendly disagreements with one another but it was fine I had missed them. But we had been walking for a long while and my body was beginning to disagree with me, I really had not been letting myself recover properly and it was beginning to show.

"Oh please I was the best prankmaster going, you lot wish you were me." We scoff at Sam's statement going into another dispute.

"You're all forgetting I'm the reason we got yelled out and had to cause a truce." I reminded them all which made them think for a moment before finally nodding their heads.

"Acrually, she's right. She is the master." I smile triumphantly before we're disrupted with loud laughter and music not so far from us.

"Loki, what's going on?" I call to the love of my life who turns to me with a smile.

"Asgard enjoys festivities and will make an event out of anything and nothing, it isn't unusual to walk the streets and come across something much like this." He gestures ahead of us where we stop to see people dancing to Asgardian folk music even children joined in while drinks were handed around and everyone was enjoying the evening together it brought a smile to my face and that's when I realised this was my home. Don't get me wrong I adored Earth and it will always be my home especially being an Avenger I will always be an Avenger but Asgard was where I knew my heart lied. Until we were spotted, it was like everyone knew me now people gestured to me and Loki waving us in to join but my body was beginning to struggle as it was.

"Well dove, seems like the people want us to join them." I knew doing this would help people's views on Loki change and alter, I was already beginning to see it but him being there with the people of Asgard was important.

"Best not disappoint them." He smiles at me before taking my hand, I had never folk danced before but standing across from Loki eased my nerves immediately and I did what I always did with my power and let go, I let myself move with him to the music and soon we were smiling and laughing in a folk dance. Pretty soon I notice the other couples of the Avengers get dragged in and I was impressed with how easily they picked it up but they didn't do it so smoothly all the time, yet it kept everyone entertained until eventually the song was done and we bowed to everyone around us and cheering with them before joining the others. As everyone conversed about what had just taken place I place a hand on Loki's arm and look up at him.

"I'm done, anymore and I'm pushing it." He smiles at me with sympathy before kissing my forehead and facing the group again as he let's me put my weight on him.

"Sun will be heading down soon, it is best we get back now." Everyone agrees with Loki and we make our way to the stables we have left our horses at and get back on thanking the stable man before getting back on the road to the palace. I had exerted my energy today especially with using my power and it was clear everyone was tired but I was in so much pain trying to remain alert as we rode, but I wasn't weak we were a third the way there by now I would be fine.

"Dove, you don't seem to be doing so well. Why don't you ride with me we'll tie Mystique to Sleipnir." I think about it for a moment before giving in.

"Yeah, okay." He guides our horses together before his hands grab my waist making me look to him confused before he just winks and lifts me to sit in front of him in a position that allowed me to lean back on him, he grabs my horses reigns from my hands and ties them tight and closely to his horse before grabbing back his reigns and continuing riding.

"Sleep dove, you could do with the rest. I've got you." I smile still his words and the kiss on the head before deciding to give and close my eyes not expecting to go to sleep but at some point I do in the arms of the love of my life with  content smile on our faces.

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