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~Y/n's POV~

"Miss, the Avengers are back." it had been 2 days, Jane had got a well deserved break and currently was out with Loki taking Modi to central park considering Loki was getting some quality time with his niece and sister in law.

"Thank you Friday." since it was just me I didn't really need to go up and welcome them so I waited for them to come down to which they soon do, and they were more battered than usual so I put down my book and went to gather multiple ice packets passing them to those who needed it before tending to Peter personally myself he was like a baby brother.

"What happened you're never usually this battered." I watch them all go about what they needed while I still tended to Peter before Steve sat down with a huff seeming to be the only one to focus on my question.

"This wasn't Hydra this was something else, something about a higher life form on a search across the galaxy for the power of the galaxy itself which was confusing." I look to him warily.

"That doesn't sound too good." 

"It isn't which means we're going to be busy from now on." I glance to Tony who was at the bar pouring himself a scotch before looking back to Peter making sure he was okay which he was so I backed off and checked the time to see it was coming up to dinner but clearly Wanda was in no state.

"Wanda, I can make dinner tonight you rest." 

"Thank you so much." I give her a sweet smile and head to the kitchen deciding on what we would have for dinner.

"Where is Jane, Loki and Modi?" Nat calls from the other room as I sieve through what food we had.

"Central Park, quality time with one another. Don't worry they should be back soon." at that it was silent again and I had finally decided on cooking a chicken korma for all of us so I started cooking the chicken and rice.

"You're all back and you look awful." I hear grunts from the other room at Jane's comment before footsteps can be heard entering the kitchen and a kiss is pressed to the side of my head.

"How come they're all battered?" 

"Well apparently it wasn't Hydra but something to do with a higher life form wanting the power of the galaxy." I shrug to him, it was a huge deal but I wasn't worried for the Avengers until I hear a smash on the ground and look over to see a paler Loki than normal with a broken glass surrounding his feet when I noticed his bloodied hand.

"Loki! Jesus, what happened?!" I grab a cloth and hold it to his hand immediately, minding the glass as I do when the Avengers all pile into the room to see what had happened.

"What's wrong?" I glance to the others before focussing back on Loki again.

"I don't know he's frozen and bleeding. Loki what's wrong?" I shake him slightly to come back to reality which he does and suddenly realizes his bloodied hand.

"Oh, that hurts." it was worrying how scared his voice sounded.

"Alright he's clearly in some form of shock, let's go get his hand patched up and then find out what's wrong." I nod before leading Loki with us to their labs where he was sat down and Bruce tended to his hand but Loki still seemed spaced out so I crouched in front of him at his eyeline but he wasn't focussed on me so I grabbed his face gently seemingly working to grab his attention.

"Lokes, what is wrong you're worrying us a little." 

"I...Dove I can't..." I stood up and sat beside him properly taking his free hand in mine and rubbing small circles on the back.

"Loki, you have to tell us something this is clearly important. Please Lokes." I didn't ever want to force him to do anything but right now he had to give us something but he was shaking ever so slightly and that worried me even more.

"Take your time love." Bruce was soon done with bandaging his hand which had to have stitches and we all waited for Loki to calm himself and eventually he did enough.

"I know who is in search of that power, I've...been around him." this was the last thing I was expecting and I guessed it was everyone else's too.

"Explain Loki." I glare at Tony's harsh tone while rubbing circles on Loki's back to sooth him.

"When I fell off the Bifrost bridge thinking I would die I was found somewhere else, in the hands of a man...searching for the power of the galaxy." 

"Is this who had...done that stuff to you?" I questioned him to which he just nodded.

"So what you're saying is you know this man, personally?" Sam had asked.

"I don't know him I was practically his slave, he's the reason I attacked New York and I did all of that other stuff too." his slight burst took the others back by surprise and shock, they knew the attack on New York wasn't his choice but Loki had never opened up to them.

"Slave?" Loki run his hands down his face before standing up.

"Look, if that was mentioned here on Midgard that means he is close to achieving what he wants and what he wants is to rebirth his race no matter the cost and clearly he plans to come here." 

"Loki, who is he. This will help us prepare." this clearly troubled Loki more than he let on but I know he knew what was right to do.

"Thanos, and he's searching for the infinity stones if you know of someone who has ancient knowledge talking to them would be a good idea." the Avengers all nod to one another.

"Okay, we know someone thanks Loki." 

"Miss Y/n, the food is on the edge of burning." I widen my eyes at this before running from the room to make it back to the kitchen, after getting there as quickly as possible I get there just in time before turning down the food and beginning to get ready to plate it up I didn't want to burn the tower down. Once I plated each dish I began to carry them out to the dining table everyone had seated themselves at without being asked as I carried in the last two dishes I sat myself besides Loki.

"I understand you're all battered but I'm not cooking again, too short attention span." I say while eating a mouthful earning a laugh from Wanda.

"Well it does taste quite good but I understand." I nod at Wanda, I kept glancing at Loki throughout dinner to make sure he was alright but I guess I wasn't being so subtle at all.

'Dove, I am better hand hurts of course but I am fine stop worrying.'

'I'm allowed to be worried, you spaced out for a long while Loki and smashed a glass in your bare hand.' I feel a hand intertwine my one as I continue to eat.

'I love that you never listen to me, but for this once can you listen when I say I am fine now you can stop worrying.' I squeeze his hand.

'Of course.' we then got back into other conversations and continued with dinner, I knew I would end up discussing this with Loki again at some point but I let him be seeing as he didn't want to talk about any of it.

"Alright movie night!" Peter exclaims before racing to the living room with Sam and Bucky in tow they were all like children around Peter, they even fought over what we watched quite a lot sometimes to the point we have to sit and watch their debate which got tedious but kept us entertained.

"Do you think Peter is ever going to grow up?" we all answer with a 'no' as we clear the table together and Thor went to change Modi.

"Guys come on! We've picked a film!" we all finish clearing, cleaning and drying the dishes before heading to the living area where the three of them had made some sort of pillow mountain on the floor and sat there munching on snacks together, which we had no idea where they had gotten them from.

"We were in the kitchen the entire time how and where did you get the snacks?" I asked before sitting beside Loki in the corner of the sofa with my lags curled over his lap.

"Bros don't reveal their secrets." I scoff at the three of them before catching the pillow thrown at me in response by them to which I tossed it back onto the ground and looked at the screen to see they had chosen iRobot to watch, it was a decent film so we all got comfortable and began to watch the film.

Soul Bonded (Loki x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon