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~Unknown POV~ 

"The Entity, we've found them." 

"Where." it was a command more than a question from a large figure kept hidden by the shadows, their voice deep and powerful. Assertive.

"The southern solar system on a planet they call Earth but is more commonly known as Midgard." a low growl can be heard ringing across the walls of the ship hanger before a large boom is made from his fist colliding with his chair.

"Take me there. Now."

~Y/n's POV~

"This book holds facts about the deep ancient truths behind magic and fully explains the two kinds of magic. Reading it will give you a better understanding of what power you possess." I take yet another book from Loki's hands and nod as I look up at him with a smile, we were in the library ready for another session but he wanted to help me gather greater knowledge of my power so was recommending me a book.

"I'll get to reading this later on, for now why don't we start our session." he nods before guiding me to sit in the centre of the room with him across from me.

"Okay to begin with we'll start by doing the same thing as last time. Close your eyes and feel your magic." I replicate the exact same thing as last time and feel my power once more as I slowly begin to let it course through my veins once again.

"Good. You did that quite quickly this time, now open your eyes and this time keep focussing on it running through your body." I open my eyes to look Loki directly in his eyes and keep focussing on the power I can feel coursing through my entire body, the glow never once leaving.

"Great. That's it, you've held it for longer this time." I smile and notice a gold fleck in both his emerald eyes getting captivated by how it shone even with no light, not even noticing my power slowly leave my veins and reside back into the special place in my mind.

"Y/n, it's stopped what caught your attention?" I come out of m thoughts and look down at my body to see the glow had gone and look back up at him with a sorry look.

"I don't know, sorry."

"It's fine, you're still learning however now I want to try without the bands on." I give him a scared look as if to say 'no'.

"You will be perfectly fine, you need to realise that you still have control without being restrained." I sigh and bite my lip thinking for a moment before letting out a sigh and nodding.

"Okay." he helps me remove the bands and place them beside him on the floor, I look at Loki and take a deep breath before closing my eyes and focussing on my power.

"Focus on the fact that you can control where it accesses. You have full control." I take in his words and slowly let my power go and begin to flow from my head down to my neck, neck down to chest then to arms, stomach, legs and finally feet.

"That's it. You have full control." 

"I have full control." I repeat his words before opening my eyes and noticing how the strength of the glow had increased, I was completely illuminated now and it was fascinating but again it went away all too quickly but at least I hadn't lost control.

"You did amazing, you brought your magic forth and didn't lose control. That's a big step you should be proud." I smile as we stand and he passes me back the bands so I can put them back on.

"Thank you." he waves me off as I collect the book he had given me before we began and we started to leave the library.

"So what will be next time?" I ask as we walk.

"Well we'll practice that a few times for longer periods to make sure you're comfortable before starting anything else." I nod in understanding.

"Do you think I'll ever get to see your magic?" I wanted to see his ability and what he could do, if it was anything like him I had a feeling it would intrigue me just as much.

"Maybe one day. Perhaps. For now we're focussing only yon you." I pretend to faint, lately I was testing Loki's boundaries and trying to force him further out of his shell he was always quiet and brooding no matter who you were or what you were doing. As I pretend to faint I completely let myself fall in his direction showing no sign of catching myself, this raised a reaction out of him and I had never seen him move so fast for anything. He caught me before I hit the ground panting, he helps me back onto my feet as I laugh a little, it had been a while or the first time ever I had laughed and I could tell even that caught him off guard.

"Don't do that." he scowled at me before we started walking again.

"You didn't have to catch me which means you cared." he looks at me with a slightly shocked look.

"Wow your face broke." he rolls his eyes and without even noticing we had reached the communal space still conversing.

"That's a disturbing duo." me and Loki whip her heads to look at everyone staring at us having a semi-normal conversation which we never had done in front of anyone ever.

"Why are you two suddenly talking?" me and Loki share a look with one another before he makes his way over to the chair furthest away from the group while I still stood there.

"He made an effort." no one said anything before going back into their conversations and I send Loki daggers for a stare and I swear a see a tiny hint of amusement on his face or in his eyes before making my way into the dining area to start reading while we waited for the last 20 minutes.

20 minutes had passed and we were all eating dinner, I remained quiet a lot of the time. I could tell everyone was still unsure of my arrival and it didn't sit well with people and I didn't mind but it still got lonely. It was nice to talk with Loki but we still didn't trust one another and we couldn't talk all the time.

"So we're having a game night, y/n you should join." I nod in the general direction of who had said it, it seemed like a good idea and a chance to finally get to talk to some of them. Once dinner was over everyone moved to the communal areas where there was a stack of board games and everyone takes a seat and I struggle to find a place to sit before Loki shifts to give me room to join him which I'm grateful for.

"Okay we're playing Monopoly." I give Sam a confused look of which he gives the loudest and most dramatic gasp of the century.

"You don't know what Monopoly is?! It's decided we're definitely playing." everyone groans as I give Loki a scared look to which he raises his eyebrows and we all start playing the game in teams, me and Loki being on a team. The game had been going on for an hour and a half and somehow even though I'd learnt the game on the spot me and Loki were winning, to say the others were pissed was an understatement and me and Loki had both discovered we're sore winners.

"This means you three owe me and Loki 2,200 so pay up!" I had felt at ease and had smiled quite a few times, the others talked to me about themselves and we were able to joke around it truly felt like we knew each other a little better now. Another hour passed and me and Loki had just bankrupt the last team.

"So we win?" Loki nods in response to my question and I smile to them all.

"I've never got to play a game or win anything before." I receive pity looks from everyone but just wave them all off.

"No it's okay, trust me. Can't be upset over something you never got." nothing more is said till I realise how tired I am so stand up and start to walk off towards the hall but turn back to the others catching their attention.

"Thank you for everything." I state before leaving to go to bed, feeling very content in my position right now.

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