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~Y/n's POV~

It had been 2 days and all they brought me was those 2 meals like she promised but other than that I had been left alone, I never really ate much of what they brought as I wasn't use to large portions. All of a sudden most of the Avengers enter the room I was in except this time they were joined by a tall, bald man who wore an eye patch so I stand up immediately and walk closer to where they were.

"Nick Fury, the Avengers has told me a lot about you but I wanted to meet you myself and ask a few more questions." I nod for him to go on.

"What do you want?" I look at him in confusion.

"I'm sorry?"

"What do you want?" he repeats and shrugs his shoulders, I think for a minute and knew one thing that I wanted.

"I want a life. I want to get my revenge on Hydra and I want to know who I am." it was exactly that, nothing more and nothing less I was done being an experiment it was time to do stuff for myself. He just stares at me with his one eye no one moving for a moment before he nods.

"How would you like to make that a reality."

"I'd love that." I respond still with a hint of confusion.

"Well then, join the Avengers. You get a chance at a life, they fight Hydra and other hostile forces as well as they are the best to help you figure out yourself and your abilities. You have a chance to be the hero now." I stare at him shocked for a moment and some of the others shift on their feet clearly not on board with Fury's decision and they have every right to be nut the offer sounds appealing and the cell was beginning to make me go crazy.

"I'll join." he nods before unlocking the cell.

"Aren't you worried about my lack of control over my ability?" I ask as I walk out of the cell and stand before them all.

"That's why for now you'll wear two metal bracelets much like the cuffs all the time unless taking a shower, it clearly can block your abilities." I nod as Tony comes over giving a small smile before clicking them on my wrists and as if to prove their point he pats my shoulder and nothing happens which makes me feel relieved.

"Now I must go but the Avengers know what to do." he walks off leaving us all here in silence before an auburn haired woman steps forward.

"Okay, I'm Wanda come with me I'll show you around a little and then where you can stay and you can meet the rest of the team this evening. Sound good?" I nod before she signals me to follow her which I do and we go on a long tour of the tower, she showed me the labs, the gyms, the armoury, 2 of the communal floors and then we walked the two halls on different floors used for the bedrooms. Mine was at the end of the hall of the rooms on the same floor as the main communal area, on this floor I found out Wanda, Nat, Bruce, Sam and Steve also had rooms here the others were on the floor below us.

"And that's the tour, get settled and dinner is in an hour. Everyone will be there which means you can meet the others then.

"Thank you. I'll be there." she smiles before walking off back to the area, I hadn't bumped into any of the team during the tour which I felt was intentional on their behalf in order to not overwhelm me too much and give me time. I open my door and walk inside to see a medium sized to large room with a brown carpet and a faux brick wall opposite the door with a queen sized bed centred on it while the other walls were painted grey. It was simple which was perfect, it was simple enough for me to get used to a normalised life away from cells and experiments it made me smile slightly a the thought. After looking around the spacious room properly I decide to journey into the conjoined bathroom where there is a large glass shower and enough room to not feel claustrophobic it was perfect, I head back into the bedroom and look at the clock to notice it was 15 minutes until dinner so decided to brush my hair out a little and head there early. 

As I walked down the hall I heard laughter and conversation taking place at the end, I stop myself just before joining them and take a deep breath. I would be fine, just names and food is all. I walked out into the area where all conversation paused and all of a sudden I felt insecure and unsure of what to do.

"Hi, um. I'm y/n." everyone continues to stare at me as I shift my weight between feet hoping someone would say something.

"Hey, I'm Sam." I let out a breath and smile at the man I would now call Sam and as soon as he started everyone else joined in and greeted me by saying their names until a voice sounded from behind me.

"Ah so they finally let you out of the cage." I turn around to meet eyes with a tall, thin and pale man dressed in dark green robes with black trousers. His pitch black hair slicked back to keep from falling into his eyes as it was shoulder length, his expression was cold and his eyes were two pools of a deep emerald green. We both stood staring at one another, almost as if we were assessing each other.

"I'm y/n." he doesn't say anything before holding his head up a little higher.

"Loki." I nod feeling the tension between us radiating, he wasn't fond of me that much was clear and before anything else could happen or be said someone cleared their throat and turn to see Wanda.

"Okay then, dinner is ready come on." everyone immediately gets up and heads towards the large dining area taking seats rather quickly with the inly seat left being beside Bruce towards one of the ends where Tony occupied the head seat of the table closest to me and Steve the other. I notice the food before me was spaghetti bolognaise so I started to eat a few bites of it as everyone dove into conversations before I hear someone mention my name so I look up.

"Do you think you'd want to learn control over your ability?" I face Wanda and think over her comment, it would be nice to not be scared of myself and my capability.

"I think that'd be a good idea." I smile and begin eating again until I was full even if there was half a bowl left but I just couldn't bring myself to eat anymore.

"You not hungry?" I hear Tony ask and I shake my head before wiping my mouth and looking at the rest of them.

"So, am I allowed to freely roam the areas I was shown?" I see small looks of amusement grace a few faces.

"Yes." I nod in response before leaving the table and heading for once place I know would bring me some form of joy and calm, the library. In Hydra I had one book as my form of entertainment but I had always wanted to explore more of the world of books and delve into a world I knew I could conquer.

Pretty soon I had made my way to the home library and looked in awe at the beautiful variations of the books, they weren't like other books with fancy covers but they had the older more rustic looking book covers and it was beautiful. As I walk further I let my eyes wonder over the titles as my fingers graze the covers with a small smile on my face, I was in my own little world trying to decide on what book I wanted to start this was my way to finally learn things and I had no idea where to start. 

"You can't read a book without picking one up." I jump at the new voice it was soft and slightly sharp which made it all that chilling but in a beautiful way, I turn around to meet Loki once again.

"I know, I was just admiring it all." I wasn't sure how to act or what to say around this man, he made me nervous and I disliked the feeling but I couldn't help but believe he had an issue with me.

"It doesn't take long to admire, browse and chose a book." I scowl a little at his slight attitude.

"I've only read one book in all my life, it was all I had. Excuse me if I'm struggling to know where to start." he just continued to stare at me for a few minutes before he started to walk towards me and it shocked me how swift, careful and graceful his movements were. As he walked towards me I watched in silence as his arm reached behind my head to a bookshelf behind me before he looks down at me and handing me the book he picked up.

"Try this. It's old legends and myths, it may peak your interest." I take the book from his hands accidentally brushing his fingers feeling the coolness of them and how silky they were, before I looked back to meet his eyes.

"Thank you." he nods before stepping back to let me past, I quickly get the hint and walk off out of the room leaving Loki alone he seems to adore books there was a mystery to him that seemed intriguing but I couldn't trust him as of yet or anyone. I hurriedly walk back to my room, shut the blinds and rest in the soft chair in the corner of the room and put a lamp on quickly getting to reading the book it was going to be a weird few weeks but I was intrigued for the adventure.

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