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~Y/n's POV~

It had come to the end of the 2 weeks and the Crucibles still had not shown up which put us all on edge a lot more and I was getting ready to travel back to Midgard when Loki entered my quarters, I had given him permission to come and go as he pleases. 

"Hey, is everything alright?" I ask him as I put the books I had left around the room back in the bookcase.

"Yes but I want to talk to you." I place the last book back before turning to him.

"Go for it."

"We are still wary about the arrival of the Crucibles, with you leaving it's very hard to feel more secure in their arrival when they do show." I was confused in where he was going with what he was saying.

"Okay, so?" 

"Why don't you stay here, we can visit Midgard but it would be easier with you here since I cannot leave." he couldn't leave, why?

"You can't leave?" he shakes his head before running a hand down his face.

"My father is training both me and Thor for taking over the throne when he steps down, typically the eldest is the heir but my mother convinced father to give both of us a chance." I walk over to him with a surprised smile.

"That's great." but the face he has tells me he isn't too happy about the decision.

"Not really, after all I have done with New York and tricking Thor and the rest of the stuff I don't deserve to even be considered to rule over Asgard as much as I believe I would do a good job." he was scared of being king, it was his motive for trying to take over Earth but I had heard his story. It wasn't him at all, he was under control not even the Avengers knew that but they had slowly started giving Loki a chance, if they could then so can the people of Asgard.

"Loki you would make a great King, and you would earnt he trust of Asgard back don't worry so much." I try to comfort him but it was difficult I never really comforted people.

"Easier said than done but thank you." he gives me a small smile as he reaches and take sone of my hands in his.

"So will you stay here for a while?" it would be nice to stay here and help Asgard with the Crucibles, as well as discover more of myself and Loki's home besides he said we can visit Midgard when I want to.

"Until the Crucibles arrive then I go back to Midgard for a while." he nods completely understanding my statement before smirking.

"You've started calling it Midgard." I shove him playfully while shaking my head before hearing a knock on my quarters, so we walk over there and open the door to a royal guard.

"Prince Loki, your father requests your presence in the throne room for the beginning of the training." I feel him tense beside me a little and doesn't say anything to the guard.

"He will be there, thank you." I say to the guard to which he nods and walks off as I shut the door and face Loki.

"Come on Loki you have to go, it'll be fine." He shales his head before pulling me in for a hug.

"Only you can tell me what to do, and make me soft." I chuckle before pulling back kissing his cheek before pushing him to the door to which he winks and leaves, I turn to my bookcase and decide to read about their old history.

~Loki's POV~

I had just made my way to the throne room and shifted into my usual armour seen for royal events, and since this was a hearing it was expected of us to be dressed royally. The guards let me enter and I quickly walked towards the left hand side of my father and stood  2 steps below the throne just like Thor on the other side of father after having nodded my head in respect.

"Bring him in." My father commands to the guards and immediately a man slightly older than me is brought into the room and pushed to his knees.

"Ravish Goldwin, you are brought here today under assess for sneaking in bandits and other ravagers from across the galaxy. Do you protest?" I study the man before us shaking in the chains, his eyes wild like an animals it was unnerving to almost anyone.

"I do Allfather, you have found the wrong man." I continue to study the man trying to find a tell, a slight tone in his words, a small movement in his body language but there was nothing. There was no reason to believe he was lying, I knew he was not lying and by the marital ring on his finger you could see he feared for his family.

"Father." I speak, I knew I was pushing my luck but it was wrong to jail this man for a crime he had not committed, so I turned to meet my father's cold stare but he did not motion for me to remain silent

"He is telling the truth, I can see it. I find no fault or lie in his statement." Whether he believed me or not was his choice but I had changed, I was not the Loki that tried to take over Midgard that was never truly me to begin with but I knew none of that mattered to Odin. Nothing is said for a moment before Odin looks to the man and does the same as I had.

"Ravish Goldwin, you may be released and compensated for the crimes you have not committed." The guards release Ravish before he bows and leaves the palace as our Father stands and begins walking down the steps with us jn tow.

"You believed Loki?" I heard Thor question with some tone of surprise, he was right in doing so I would have questioned my reliability too.

"I did, he is the God of Mischief and Lies while he may have committed crimes of his own he has been punished and is earning his right here as Prince and potential king. It would be wrong to judge him on his past." I give a small shocked look to the both of them, it had been the first time Odin had not judged me for past crimes that were ultimately not my fault I was rather happy but I would never show that so I nod respectfully.

"Thank you. Father." It still felt wrong to call him father but through my life he had been nothing but a father to me, I could not disrespect him for that.

"You both are dismissed until tomorrow where we are needed in the political matters room, be there after lunch." Thor immediately leaves no doubt to spend time with Jane but I do stop to talk to Odin.

"Father, forgive me but I have allowed y/n to stay longer until the Crucibles arrive so we feel more secure I am sorry I did not come to you first."

"I am not upset with your decision  you are courting and that decision seems most practical, do not worry Loki." I nod before leaving the throne room and heading to find y/n but I knew she would not be in her room, when she was alone or bored she would consume herself in books or most recently her magic. So I had used our bond to find her, she did not know I knew nor what the bond was capable of letting us achieve but locating your partner was one of them and her presence lead me to the library where with no surprise I found her sat on the floor in mountains of Asgardian historical books.

"You can't have read all that in the time I've been gone." Her head snaps to see me and smiles before looking around her at the piles.

"No I've only just started but I couldn't decide what I wanted so, here I am." I shake my head before making my way towards her and crouching down to her level.

"I see, you're going to be here for a while. Want me to come back at dinner for you?" I knew she loved to read and had gained a larger love for it since joining the Avengers so I would not win a fight of dragging her away unless for food.

"Please, I just want to read." I nod in understanding before leaving across and pecking her forehead which earned a shy smile from her.

"I will be back later." She bid me goodbye and got back to her book as I stood and moved to the door before looking back at her, since being here she had only worn dresses for events her personal maid had informed her that it was uncommon for women to wear pants unless travelling or being a warrior, but gave her the idea to wear them for common days. It was nice to see her make a change around here it had always been the same so I was thankful to her for that, at that thought I left the room and headed to my quarters to spend some time going through my personal things before dinner.

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