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~Loki's POV~

The night had ended after a few hours in the middle of night, and we had all gone back to our own quarters for some rest but currently I was struggling to sleep. The thought of being King was something I should be proud about but I wasn't, after everything I've done it was hard to not hate myself or present myself as the bad guy when I was the one to create that monster. 

Would I love to be king? Of course I would. Do I think I would do a good job? Yes. But it was wrong for the villain to be placed on the throne whether it was me or not. Too quickly I hear a faint cry from across the hall making me sit up abruptly, I quickly remove myself from my bed and chuck on the jogging bottoms it was one clothing from Midgard I quite liked especially to sleep in. Deciding this was enough since the guards and servants never questioned royal actions and everyone else was asleep or away, I quickly leave my quarters to hear another cry a little louder this time but I notice it to be coming from y/n's quarters making worry flood my body.

Anyone that sleeps in royal quarters has royal guards stationed outside their room but they were not allowed in unless given permission, heard specific code words or large commotion. The guards do not question why I rush to her room nor do they question why I enter but once I do I head straight for the bedroom to see her shaking and sweating profusely, night terrors.

"No, no, please." the strain of her voice broke me a little, she must be re-living something from Hydra so I decided to try and something to bring her out from the terror even though she said it wasn't possible but if what my mother said was true about the soul bond maybe I could. I made my way towards her cautiously trying to ignore the small cries of pain and pleads, once there I reach my hand towards her and placed it on her shoulder immediately the shaking stops but the cries and movements continue so I start gently rubbing her shoulder as I move to sit beside her on the bed.

"Y/n, you're okay. You're in Asgard, in your room with me." I try to get through to her which works slightly but she was still struggling with the night terror and I knew this was now just a waiting game so I continued to comfort her and talk to her, this went on for a while and I hadn't realised the break of dawn signalling it was early morning when she abruptly shot up looking around in a panic.

"Y/n." her head snaps towards me with wild eyes so I put my hand on her lower back and placed the other on her cheek.

"You're alright, you're in Asgard. No one can hurt you I promise." she furrows her eyebrows for a second before a look of relief and tiredness washes over her face.

"Loki..." I nod to her and all she does is lean towards me and rests against my chest so all I do is wrap one arm around her and caress her hair, I hadn't realised how bad and draining it was for her to go through until I witnessed it for myself.

"Y/n, it's early morning you should sleep a little longer." in response she stops breathing so I push her back slightly to see her looking at me with terror.

"I know it scares you but I'll stay with you." she does that thing she always does and bites her lower lip as she thinks about it, I always found it adorable and I had never used that word before.

"Alright." I smile before letting go and standing up to which she grabs my hand so I look back down at her.

"Where are you going?" 

"Don't worry I'm just going to inform the guards we won't be attending early morning activities, and that we can't be disturbed." she nods before letting go of my hand so I can walk back to the door I came in, and opened it.

"Guards please alert people to not disturb us or wake us for morning activities." they both nod in respect before I close the door and head back to the bedroom where she was waiting eyes still awake, so I get in her bed on the right hand side and bring her into a close hug.

"You're alright, you're exhausted and need sleep. Nothing will happen I am right here." she takes many deep breaths before I feel them even out and slow so I could tell she was asleep, knowing this I let out a small yawn and try to finally get to sleep myself.

It was a few days later and we were currently at breakfast, Jane had finally finished her work so was able to join us here in Asgard for a good while. Her and y/n became quick friends and word had gotten out that her and I were courting which scared me slightly but she seemed to have faith that everything would be fine, today we were going to see how much y/n could do on her own and whether she was ready for when they'd arrive which was unknowing to us.

"Alright, you ready?" I ask as me and y/n walk down the hall towards the training grounds, it was an easier space and was vacated by all today. By now y/n had gotten pretty good at finding her way around so didn't need help as much but she still needed company, she hated being left alone with her thoughts.

"I guess as ready as I can be." the more I got to know her the more I noticed little things like her nervous tell, she would always pick at her hands mainly the palms so before we reach the grounds I stop and grab each of her hands.

"You pick your hands when you're nervous, it's bad so please don't and relax. You've come a long way and in such a short time frame, it'll go well." she sighs before giving a small nod to which we walk the rest of the way to find mother, father, Thor and Jane all stood there, it was kind of like a test to know she was ready enough which I guess was what was stressful for her.

"We won't guide you through things but you must show us everything you can do, with control." my mother tells her once we get there, and I see y/n nod before glancing at me before walking off to the centre of the training area as I walked over to stand beside my mother and Jane.

"Alright, you may begin." Odin calls and we watch as her skin is quickly consumed in a glorious glow as she watched us before she created a gold and black orb in the palm of her hand, her power never ceased to amaze me it was quite wonderful. Pretty soon she used her other hand to make the orb grow and shrink before releasing it into the air and it explodes but releases gorgeous whisps, then she creates a golden shield around her and holds it for a good few minutes before letting it go. I knew she was testing and pushing her limits but she was perfectly capable of doing it, soon she creates a shard of black with gold spirals floating in her palm before firing it at a dummie on the side landing straight in the head. She continued to do man different skills and talents, much more than what she used to be able to but the key was always control and now that she had obtained that significantly I was proud of her and impressed but never once was I shocked.

Suddenly, her hands start shaking and a worried looked takes over her features, this was when I knew she was struggling to keep control I guess half a day was the limit of her control but luckily my mother noticed it too.

"Loki." I heard her faint voice as her glowing, panicking eyes look to me but I had to glance to my mother to which she nodded and I paced towards her remaining cautious as her power created a forcefield around her that started to grow and grow.

"Y/n, you're okay. You've got complete control just relax, let me in." I could see her struggling, learning to control such power that she had was far from easy and the fact she had come this far was amazing but she needed to do one last thing, that was it.

"Y/n, please just this last thing and then it will all stop." I reach the forcefield and start to push my way through, gradually making my way through she was trying hard to let me in just a little bit more.

"Just a little more, you've got it." I give her a smile to which weakens the forcefield a little more so I could finally break through and gather her in a hug immediately diminishing the shield, the glow and the shaking.

"I'm very proud, you did so well for a beginner." she chuckles a little as she calms down a bit more before pulling away from the hug and finally turning to the others but I keep my hand on her lower back, still feeling her unease.

"You're ready enough for if they come." Odin declares which makes her breath a sigh of relief and relaxing into my hand a little more, everyone gives her words of ease and affirmation as they leave before she collapses into my side, clearly exhausted but she was terrified of sleep.

"You need sleep, dove. I will be there again, it worked last time." she sighs but agrees, so we head off.

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