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~Y/n's POV~

I was woken by a loud, rumbling noise coming from besides me I look over at the alarm clock to see it read 2:37am in the morning which made me realise Loki was snoring. I had never heard him snoring before which brought a slight amusement to my face but I was far from a morning person so I slapped Loki's chest, I had seen his bare chest before when we had helped each other with sleep which I guess was working significantly for Loki. My slap had caused him to stir and look over at me with a tired look.

"What is wrong dove?" I blushed at the nickname he only used when tired or occasionally when we have been alone together, didn't mean I was used to it at all but he rolled closer to me onto his side draping an arm across my stomach as he closed his eyes again.

"You were snoring, it woke me." at this I watch his eyebrows scrunch together but he doesn't open his eyes still as I continue to stare at him.

"I don't snore."

"I know you don't but tonight you did, have you been getting the correct amount of sleep?" it did worry me slightly why the sudden change now and usually it meant he was finally getting properly sleep whenever something had changed, last time he had built up a sweat which was odd considering he was naturally quite cold which was one of my favourite things.

"I struggled to sleep on Asgard knowing you were in a coma, this isn't the first time my sleeping has changed though." his voice when tired was gruff and deep which always sent shudders throughout my body, but I was not about to get distracted.

"Loki, the sweat I could handle but snoring is a no no that's why I used to enjoy sharing a bed with you." at this his eyes finally open to give me a 'really' look which made me smirk in return to which he shook his head.

"You still do, I am sorry though I will try to control my snoring." 

"Thank you." I laid in silence then staring up at the ceiling while Loki started to slowly drift into his dreams once again and this was when I realised I wasn't afraid anymore of any unknown. I wasn't afraid of Hydra, I wasn't afraid of the Crucibles, I wasn't afraid of the Avengers and I wasn't afraid of being in a relationship because I had got every wish I had ever made.

"Lokes?" I hear a soft hum come from beside me for me to continue so I did.

"I'm not afraid anymore."

"What do you mean?" I finally turn in his grasp so we were facing one another with his eyes back open as one of my hands reached up to play with his mid length black hair.

"Hydra made me a panicky, terrified person. But since escaping nothing but good has happened to me and one of the best things being you has happened too, it just feels nice to not feel afraid, helpless and pathetic anymore. So, thank you." we lay there staring at one another for a moment, I was worried that I had gone too far with what I had said but something wonderful did happen Loki leant forward and captured my soft lips in his cool ones in one of the most passionate kisses I had seen or felt before pulling away and resting his forehead against mine.

"Thank you too, for making me a soft mushy man. Only for you though I still enjoy the look of fear in people's eyes." I chuckle a little at his comment before going back into a comfortable silence where I felt Loki's hold get softer, heavier and more limp realising he had drifted into sleep so I decided to follow suit and drift into my own where once again I had a sleep filled night with no terrors.


"Can the Tony Stark not handle a few drinks?" me and Loki were entering the joint dining and kitchen area where almost everyone seemed to be handling their hangovers pretty well all except the master Tony Stark himself. I took a seat at the breakfast bar as Loki walked around the counter to make us some coffee while Steve was making breakfast for everyone, Loki had taken a liking to a few Midgardian things and it was fun to see much like the Midgardian comfy clothing he seemed to adore wearing.

"I can but clearly someone had done something to my drinks." us ladies shared a look with one another, funny thing is Thor had left behind a flask of Asgardian ale for us to use when we wanted since he knew we could handle it. So throughout the night we had poured some into each of his drinks not enough to hurt him but enough to cause this reaction, we wanted to have a bit of fun with him.

"You're fine, just clearly can't handle a few drinks." Natasha says which makes the rest of us snicker slightly as I thank Loki for the coffee and begin to start cooling it down, pretty soon Steve had finished making the large stack of pancakes for us all which we dug into rather quickly letting small talk take over the group. 

"So, when are you two heading back?" Loki gestured to me.

"Well after this week we will probably head back, we're not in a huge rush. Right Loki?" I look to him as I was stuffing my mouth with another pancake.

"Well, Thor and Jane are due to get married in 3 weeks." at this all hell breaks lose, but it was happy hell it was just unexpected news.

"Hey! Shut it!" we all stop at Tony's yell as he sits holding his head in his hands, feeling a little bad I put a hand on his back and begin to rub circles to sooth him and I feel him relax more so I decide to continue my movements.

"Alright Tony, we'll tone it down. But since when?" I question Loki.

"During the period we left to come here, and you went into a coma." I had been wondering why Thor seemed to be so nervous and excited around Jane when she had arrived, turns out that was the reason why.

"Good for them." Wanda sates as we all agree.

"They are good for one another, so maybe we will leave at the end of this week. I want to congratulate Jane,  and Thor when he returns." they all nod in understanding before starting to split off to go about their days eventually leaving me and Loki as the last ones in the kitchen with a mound of dishes so we decide to clean and dry them.

"So, Natasha and Wanda have given me an idea." 

"Uh oh." I glance up to Loki as he shakes his head at me while I hand him the next dish to dry.

"Well you've been given no time to view the city for what it is, would you like to go on a date throughout the city with me today?" this offer had made me excited at the sheer thought of going out on a date with Loki let alone to learn more about one of my two homes, Asgard being the other.

"Loki, Prince of Asgard, I would love to." he smiled as I handed him the last dish before drying my hands and pecking his cheek.

"I'm going to get changed, meet you here in 20 minutes." he agrees before I head of down the hall towards the room I hadn't stayed in for a long while and went immediately to the closet, Nat and Wanda knew my style completely so I trusted them when they stocked the closet while I was away. As I skimmed through the clothes I had found a pair of black leggings, with a flowy green crop top that wouldn't cling to my skin before topping it off with heeled black boots before heading back to meet Loki in a grey t-shirt with black jeans and black boots.

"We almost matched." I stated to which he laughed a little before offering me his arm and we headed off on technically our first date.

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