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~Loki's POV~

I was currently on my way to speak with Odin, he had requested mine and Thor's presence he had been feeling worse as of recent but due to the impending arrival from the Crucibles not much more had been said or done. Even though I despised him for my childhood and the lies, he was still my Father and had still taken me in I was worried about what would happen.

"Brother, do you know why father wishes to speak with us." I look to Thor and shake my head as we walked in silence towards the throne room, once there the guards let us in with a slight bow so we entered and bowed to our father before being told to rise. 

"Boys, I am not getting any younger and I feel a war coming we know why. But I have to begin to come down from my position on the throne however your mother believes I should train you both and decide later." I stand silently, he was going to give each of us a chance even after all I had done.

"So it is like a test, of who will be more of a fit?" Odin nods to Thor to which Thor bows his head.

"I think mother has made a good decision, Loki has changed." I glare a little at Thor but say nothing at all.

"We shall see, for now you each will be called when a King's matter comes up for you to witness." we each nod before being dismissed from the room, after we leave me and brother stand there with one another.

"This will be interesting." I nod.

"I suppose that means we can't head back to Midgard for a while." I state matter of factly, to which he hums in agreement.

"We will have to take y/n back home." I frown a little at the thought of being gone from Midgard for a while and having to kick her from the planet, there was no reason she couldn't stay besides she was learning so much more about her power and herself. 

"Would we have to?" I question him.

"She seems to be happy here and finally getting to know herself, she could stay while we learn." he gives me a look which makes me sigh.

"You care for her."

"Okay, yes maybe I do but I have reason to. We are courting." this news earns me a pat on the back and a glare from me.

"I am glad, she will be good for you." I shake my head before shrugging his large hand off of me, we must go and prepare for the coronation celebration evening for father.

"Thank you Thor, I must go speak with mother." I walk away from Thor down the halls to her quarters where she was expecting me.

"Loki, what is troubling you?" I take a seat.

"Why did you convince father to teach us both?" It wsd troubling to me the thought I would be considered to take over, our people already dispised me for my recent crimes many hated the fact I was allowed to roam freely now so why would she convince him.

"Thor, though he learned his lesson, can still be big headed and not very political. However, you are very fair minded and thought through you have just as big a chance as him and Odim shouldn't do it based off first in line." I shake my head.

"Mother, if I get chosen the people won't like it I don't even trust myself." She rolls her eyes at my statement before taking my hand in hers.

"That wasn't you Loki, and I have faith you won't be alone." I sigh, I didn't like the thought but if I was chosen I would do my best to make it upto everyone.

"Loki, you have changed you deserve a second chance. Now I must get ready for the evening, as do you." I smile before kissing her on the cheek and leaving her to get ready, these celebrations were usually quite long and as members of the Royal family we had to be there for it all.

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