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~Y/n's POV~

I slowly open my eyes to soft, warm light coming in through the balcony opening which hinted to me that it was a little later in the morning and I just stare out of the balcony for a little while a smile gracing my features at the events that took place the night before. Loki was nothing but caring and considerate, I had a feeling he was holding back a little but I wanted to believe that it was because it wasn't just our first time but my first time and he was being sweet and wanted to show me the way it was supposed to go and I could not be more grateful. It was amazing and doing that with him was even better, all of a sudden two large arms circle around me from behind and I turn around to face the source meeting two shining emerald eyes.

"Morning dove." I reach up to run my hand through his hair which was rather messier than usual after waking up.

"Morning my Prince." I lean up and give him a sweet kiss before pulling away.

"So, how are you on this fine morning?" I let out a breath of a laugh.

"I'm good, no I'm incredible. Last night was wonderful and perfect thank you Loki." 

"I don't need thanking, not for that you deserve everything. The galaxy." 

"You're corny you know that?" he looks at me with a look of pride.

"Yes I do, and I'm not sorry." I shake my head before finding his lips on mine again, I had definitely now gotten addicted to the taste of Loki Laufeyson. I knew about his true heritage but it didn't bother me like he thought it would, he believed I would see him as a monster but he was far from it that night he shared all of his background with me so I chose to with him well all of the background that I knew at least. But these were the moments that were perfect, and the most perfect thing was this man kissing me right now and soon once again it got deeper and a little more heated. Loki had turned us so he was leaning over me while I laid beneath him deep in a kiss, maybe last night had caused slight trouble with the fact now we were hooked on the intimacy of one another. 

As we continued to kiss one another I played with his hair as the hand not holding him up caressed the side of my torso each time getting lower and stretching to different places enough to make me shudder and move into his touch, his touch making my body restless within seconds. Before anything more could take place a knock sounds on the door and Loki breaks apart and buries his head in my neck as we take deep breaths before another knock sounds so I gently nudge Loki.

"What is it?" I covered my mouth to stifle my laugh at his strained and frustrated voice.

"You are requested for brunch to discuss a few matters on the wedding." I hear Loki groan and this time I let myself laugh to which Loki looked at me with a stern look before turning his head a little.

"Tell them we will join them in a moment." the guard agrees before Loki gives me a short and sweet kiss but I push on his broad chest to make him look at me.

"Come on, we need to get ready as much as I would love to stay here all day with you." 

"Okay, I suppose you're right." he starts to get up and slides out of his covers while I keep them on covering my bare body as I enjoy the glorious god before me.

"You know, it's rude to stare." 

"I'm not staring, admiring." he chuckles before turning around now having his usual pants on only showing his bare torso which makes me bite my lower lip.

"You like what you see?" I nod, not being able to find words at all but he comes to my side and pecks my forehead before grabbing the top half of his armour excluding the cap from the floor beside me and putting it on. He usually wore his armour without the cape or horns when it wasn't official matters or a fight, back on earth in a fight he mostly kept his horns off but I adored any look he adorned.

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