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~Y/n's POV~

"Mystique come on, stop being stubborn I'm not doing this again!" right now it was 2 days before the wedding and I needed a break from the stress of Jane so I had come out to the stables to visit Austin and get Mystique used to the saddle more, she was doing well but like everyone she had off days and today was one of those days. My limping had improved but I still struggled greatly however I was able to do things like this more as long as I was careful on the physical activity, right now my horse was dodging her saddle again.

"Mystique, please. What do you want, a life time supply of apples?" at this her head shakes, people still saw me as crazy except for me and Loki's stable boys and obviously Loki.

"Call me crazy but whispey can talk to horses." I smile slightly at Tony's voice, today me and Loki were planning on showing them more of Asgard today in fact Jane and Thor wanted us to in order to get rid of us apparently we were distracting her. I turn around to see the Avengers and Jane's science nerds heading towards me, Loki was with his horse tending to her and he was feeling a little under the weather today so decided to dress more casually than usual but he still looked good.

"We understand one another and currently she's decided to be stubborn on the day she gets to go for a ride." I look back at Mystique for a moment and stare at he before she turns away from me and I sigh before looking at them all.

"So, you all ready to go?" they all nod at me before I wave over Austin.

"Couples ride together since we are taking a large group of people out today and the rest will have their own horses however some may have to share. Austin would you mind rounding up the public horses?" he smiles sweetly up at me.

"Of course Y/n." I nod as he walks off to round up however many horses we have available before Loki leads his horse over towards us.

"Hello all, dove." he kisses my forehead before looking down at my hands and smirking.

"Is she being stubborn again?" I nod glaring at my horse who huffs in return.

"But I can't use physical means, I'm still fragile." he nods in understanding before handing me his horses reigns and taking the saddle from mine, I watch as he begins to walk towards my horse I was still unsure how my horse would behave around him.

"Loki, please be careful." he waves me off as I roll my eyes and give my attention to his horse while still watching Loki. Loki gets closer to Mystique who turns to stare at him before deciding to kick off making Loki halt in his movements, until eventually she stops.

"You done?" at this Mystique throws around her head at him but Loki continues to get closer to her until eventually he presses the saddle to her back and she lets him, so he begins to clip it on.

"She let you?!" I half yell making everyone else laugh at me as I scowl at Loki.

"What can I say, I'm a natural." I cross my arms in a huff and decide to let Loki finish off with Mystique until Austin walks through a large gate with a few public horses and I slightly limp over to help him relieve the load.

"Here, let me help." he smiles gratefully before we stand in front of the others, the horses were already completely kitted and geared up.

"Alright Tony and Pepper as one, Wanda and Vision as one, Steve, Bruce and Clint by yourselves; Bucky and Sam together, Nat and Darcie by yourselves, Selvig and the intern together and Peter you can have your own." everyone grabs a horse before getting on top of them Sam and Bucky being the only ones to really complain but weren't getting away with it before Loki walks towards me with my horse.

"Thank you, truly. I wish she was that good with me." he chuckles before kissing my head again and moving to his horse which I had passed to him, we then both climbed atop our horses making sure everything was set.

"You all good to go dove?" doing final checks I was pleased with it.

"Yep, lets go." he smiles before gesturing me to ride by his side, it was nice to finally be off from my feet which was one of the nice things about going on a horse ride so me and Loki rode to the front of the group while Austin and Clive ordered the horses in a neat 2 by 2 line behind me and Loki.

"Alright, your horses know how to do most of the work but you're still in control remember that." everyone sat listening intently to Loki before I looked at Austin and Clive, they had already done all the checks.

"Austin, Clive. You've done a great job you're free to relax now." they each thank me before scurrying off, I smile and look back to Loki who gave me a nice smile in return.

"And please whatever you do, do as we do." they all agree before we turned our horses and moved them into a walk we decided to take them for a walk through the forests of Asgard to begin with so that was where we had headed to.

"We're going to show you the forest grounds to begin with, Loki will inform you on history and what not I'm still learning." my comment earned a few laughs even one from Loki and so we continued our walk where they asked questions and Loki would answer completely honestly, and they all listened it was nice to see Loki relaxed around them and the love he had for his home was wonderful but every time we were in any wooded area it was like Loki became a little boy again I knew the woods meant something more to him.

"The forest goes untouched and undamaged, it is considered a crime to cause any sort of disturbance to the forest unless protecting it but anything to do with the forests have to go through the King, my father." it was nice to be learning things myself as well until I recognised the area we were in, this was where we found the Crucibles it unnerved me but I wanted to know if they had refurbished the forest they destroyed so I trotted a little ways forward back to the edge we were at to see it cleared from the ship but the trees from before were gone.

"They plan to re-plant trees here again, do not worry." I look over to Loki and nodded before he gestured me to continue in another direction.

"What happened there?" Selvig called and Loki looked over to me expecting me to answer.

"The Crucibles decided to land there before attacking." the thought brought a shiver down my spine as I tried to ignore the events, Loki could have died that was what terrified me most but a cold hand found mine and I looked to the source to see Loki.

"You speak loudly when you're focussed, I am fine you did it all is well." I scowled at him a little.

"Just because I speak loudly doesn't mean you have to listen." he shakes his head at me before holding his reigns again.

"It doesn't except you don't give me a choice, you kind of accidentally force it into my mind." 

"Sorry." I call before we went into a silence and continued on through the woods, after a little more talking and riding Loki stopped so did I and turned to face them.

"We'll head into town now. Get some lunch and show you the culture." I got excited at this, I still hadn't got to learn or see for myself and I was so ready for it so Loki lead us out of the forest and we started to head further towards the town of Asgard.

"We may be stared at or approached but don't be alarmed, anything at all you come to me." At first Loki was informing all of us before directing the last bit nore towards me so I poke my tongue out at him earning a roll of his eyes before we reached the border of the town.

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