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~Y/n's POV~

A knock sounded on my door and I laughed at the irony of how it was exactly the same as last night but this time I decided to call out.

"Come in!" Soon I hear the door open and shut so I look up to see Astary and smile warmly which she returns.

"The Queen and King have requested a brunch with you and their sons but not in the hall in a private office." I nod realising they probably wanted to discuss my power which I was expecting.

"I'm guessing you're here to help me get ready and probably escort me." she gives me a pity look before making her way to the wardrobe but stops to look me up and down and smiled, I looked at my attired to realise I had changes back into my jumper and pants from the other night.

"Now it is highly unusual for woman here to dress in pants and shirts unless you're a warrior or traveling by horse for long distances. But, since you're new it's about time we had a slight change." she comes back from the wardrobe holding a cream shirt with a green over tunic brown belt to wrap it in place over the top of black leather pants and brown boots the sight of pants makes me relieved I hated the gowns.

"I don't really care for the gowns so lets shock them a little." I wink before she begins to help me get dressed which was a rather easy process surprisingly once done she sat me in a chair and began to braid my hair from the front back so the end sat on the base of my neck.

" I wink before she begins to help me get dressed which was a rather easy process surprisingly once done she sat me in a chair and began to braid my hair from the front back so the end sat on the base of my neck

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I stand and look at it all properly and nod in approval before turning to Astary.

"A splendid job, thank you Astary now if you would be so kind as to show me the way." she nods and guides me to the room where they were, as we walked the halls many people stared me down as I walk some with bewildered looks, amusement, disgust and some would check me out a little bit.

"Great decision with the pants Astary." she smiled and nodded, we finally reached the room where I knocked and Astary headed to do her other duties, I hear a 'come in' and enter the room.

"Hello." I state before taking a seat beside Loki who smirks slightly at my bold outfit so I glare at him.

"Now we're all here, let us discuss y/n's ability." I notice the selection of food before me and decide on a few slices of toast with orange juice while they begin the conversation. 

"Y/n we have to see what you can do." I stop eating and glance at the bands on my wrists before sharing a scared look with Loki.

"Mother, that might not be such a good idea." I watch as she looks at me confused.

"I can't control using it, for me to use it others have to force it out of me. I can make it run through my veins though." I didn't want to disappoint them but I was terrified of hurting people. 

"We can start by seeing that, right now if you want." I think over Frigga's words before looking to Loki and nodding, I still needed him to talk me through it otherwise I'd lose the control more and it was starting to drift towards losing control physically. 

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