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~Avenger's POV~

Bruce hurriedly walked into the communal area with a frazzled and fascinated look on his face, immediately catching the attention of his fellow team mates.

"Is everything okay Bruce?" Steve is the first to address the situation while Bruce finally looks up from his tablet to scan the room before setting his eyes on Steve.

"Friday has just picked up an anomaly reading in electrical power within the city not far from here. The information is off the charts it is like nothing we've seen before." Tony quickly makes his way over to Bruce to see for himself farrowing his eyebrows.

"He's right. Whatever this is, was powerful enought to cause a blackout within a 10ft radius." Natasha is the first to speak up.

"Is it a threat?" Bruce shakes his head.

"We can't tell. It's completely wiped all the CCTV footage for that area, blocking all access and all files are destroyed."

"Well then we have to go check for ourselves." Steve states as everyome stands up to go and gear up in case of potential threat. Pretty soon they all make their way to the centre of the disturbance.

"It's an alleyway?" Clint asks through come, they all decides to take different routes to surround the centre.

"Be on the look out, call out anything unusual." Steve calls through comms as him, Bucky and Nat walk into the alley way the others in the roof tops as it was the only other way in, being as careful as possible they go further in before stopping at the sight of 6 dead men with black markings and a woman resting against a walk, she was clearly breathing but an evident bloodstain suggested not for long.

"Guys, come and see this." At Steve's words everyone makes their way to them to see the exact same sight.

"What in the world?"

"Looks like the girl is still alive." Sam calls to the group.

"Not for long, she's got a wound." Steve replies as Bucky walks towards one of the men and looks at the supposed wounds only really seeing terror on their faces and their bodies covered in black.


"Was it the girl?"

"Well, right now that is the only logical explanation."

"That means we have to take her back to the tower." Tony states affirmatively, the others all agreeing. Tony walks over to her places cuffs on her with extra abilities just in case before picking her up with ease nothing how light she was.

"She's completely out." He says.

"Good. Take her back and get her into the cell immediately." Steve gated the odea of cells but knew it was needed in some situations ans this was one of them, as Tony flew off with Sam some of the others began to head back to the tower while him and Natasha held back and delt with cops and the bodies before making their way back as well. Once everyone was home, they all changed from their gear and meeting back together in a conference room.

"Is she contained?" Steve questions to Tony more specifically.

"Yes and the cameras are active, Friday knows to alert us when she wakes up" this earns a nod from Steve before everything goes quiet again

"Do we really think she was responsible for whatever that was we whitenessed?" Clint questions to no one in particular.

"Without CCTV access it is incredibly difficult to say but there was nothing else there, no readings of equipment or hostiles. Nothing. She was the only one there and breathing, why would she just ignore bodies if it wasn't her doing?" Everyone agreed with Bruce knowing it is a valid and inly possible explanation as of this moment.

Soul Bonded (Loki x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя