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~Y/n's POV~

"Alright what happened, why didn't you come home for dinner?" I quickly wipe my eyes at the voice of my boyfriend, I had gone for a ride this morning happy as can be and it was going incredibly well up until the middle of the day when I came across this gorgeous waterfall and decided to explore the area a lot more and as I was doing so I went to jump across one of the stones before landing on the other not realising it was slippery and my footing went causing me to fall into the water hitting my right arm along the way. I managed to get out but my arm was immobile and I was completely drenched so decided to stay here for a while instead of go back in shame I guess a while was longer than I anticipated,

"Dove, are you okay?" I clear my throat while trying to make it look as though nothing was wrong.

"Of course, just wasn't ready to go home yet." I cringed, I didn't even sound convincing to myself either so when I heard his footsteps get closer they were soon in front of me but I couldn't look up at him, he crouched in front of me and his soft hand held my chin before lifting it to look up at him and his face softened with a little worry.

"Oh dove, please what happened." I sigh before deciding to be honest with him, I know I looked childish right now but it hurt a lot and the water was freezing.

"Well I came across this beautiful waterfall and wanted to explore the area deeper so I tied up Mystique and went exploring until I decide to go on the rockier area and everything was fine until I had to jump one, so I jumped but the next rock was slippery and I lost my footing. This caused me to fall into the water but on the way I hit my arm on something and now I can barley move it and I'm freezing but I couldn't have the strength to get back on Mystique." after I had finished he got proper down on his knees in front of me and wiping my cheeks with his thumbs before dropping his hands to the arm I was cradling.

"Dove, can I check? It could be broken." I sigh and nod to which he gently touches my arm and when he moves it I yelp in pain causing him to immediately let go of it.

"Well yeah that's going to be broken, I'll tie it tightly to your chest with a cloth and then wrapping you in my cape before riding you home where we will get you some food and seen for medical attention. After that we will head back to our quarters where you will get a bath that I will help you with before dressing you in my warm clothing." I chuckled at that last bit making him smile before he continued.

"And then we will get into bed where I will read to you if you so wish, how does that sound?" I wipe my nose with my other arm with a laugh before nodding my head.

"That sounds amazing." he helped me from the ground before grabbing a cloth from his pouch and trying as careful as possible to tie my arm tightly to my chest, it hurting a little but I knew it was the best option he then took off his green cape before wrapping at around my shoulders already helping the cold. He then tied Mystique's reigns to his horses before I walked with him over to them where he sat atop his horse and I used my left arm to grab hold of the saddle and hoist myself as Loki helped me the rest of the way onto the horse to sit in front of him before we began to ride back to the palace it getting dark slowly. We didn't say anything to one another but eventually we got back and Loki helped me from his horse while Clive and Austin take care of the horses, once we make it inside Loki does everything he said he would do he takes me to have my arm checked which is bandaged up and secured tightly once more before going to get food from the kitchen since he had gained permission before hand. After the important stuff we went back to our quarters where Loki sat me on the bed.

"I'm going to run the bath and while that is running I will let father and mother know we are back." I smile at him understanding completely but he wasn't gone much longer, he was back quite soon and had stopped the running water.

"Alright dove, you can get in then call me when you're in." he was so sweet and such a gentleman about this all he had seen me naked twice before but still proceed to be nice about this, so I stripped being careful of the arm before making my way to the bathroom Loki being turned away from me looking at our books. I smiled as I saw the bath and began to step in, they had given me a special cover for the bandages so I had that on to prevent water getting in and causing infection, once I was in and comfortable I called for Loki and he entered wearing his under clothes of his armour heading around the in ground tub to sit crossed legged behind me.

"Want me to help you with your hair?" 

"Please." pretty soon I feel his hands in my now wet and soapy hair, he was massaging shampoo into my hair while massaging my head and it felt like heaven he was surprisingly good at this.

"You need to do this more." I hear a chuckle from behind me making me slightly embarrassed.

"If that is what the lady wants then it is done." it was nice spending moments like this with Loki they were calming and simple and it always brought me safety, pretty soon Loki had finished washing my hair and this time I needed is help.

"Lokes, will you help me with drying and getting dressed?" he smiled sweetly at me before helping me out of the tub and instead of physically drying and changing me he used his magic and my hair was plaited, I was dressed in his favourite joggers and shirt. Once done I noticed Loki had changed too and we walked into our bedroom where he made sure I was comfortable in bed first before grabbing a book he had chosen before climbing in beside me where I immediately snuggled close to him where my head rested on his chest so I could still read the words as he read.

"Comfortable, dove?" I nod feeling quite tired already and he kissed my head before beginning to read, to others we may seem childish but he knew exactly what I needed and that is why I loved him so when I felt my eyes begin to grow tired I turned my head to watch him read and it made me smiles but a laugh broke through his lips when he looked down at me.


"Nothing, but I truly do love you. Thank you." he is taken back slightly at me but smiles nonetheless before pecking my lips.

 "I love you too dove, and always." I smile before snuggling down as he continued and I was sent into a deep sleep in the arms of my love.

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