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~Y/n's POV~

It had been a week staying at Avengers tower and if I wasn't doing something with anyone I was with the baby, Jane and Thor didn't seem to mind so much since it gave them a break. Loki had been finally relaxing and going back to his old self again which made me quite happy, he had been spending most of his time catching up and reconciling with Thor which I understood perfectly.

"Can you grab the block?" I was on the floor laid facing Modi as she was on her play mat surrounded by different objects and I noticed her reach for the blocks a few times but never really succeeding so I thought I'd help her out.

"Come on you got this." Her smile was absolutely contagious and I wasn't complaining at all though I think some others were growing tired of me and the baby.

"Anyone would think you had the baby." I turn to glare at Bucky who had waltzed into the room changed from his work out and put the TV on, so I sat up from my position but still staying on the floor with the baby.

"Look I have a baby problem, leave it alone." He nods his head at me while I turn my attention to the baby until a very stressed Peter entered the room, I found out his Aunt May had passed away so now was living here which I wadnt complaining with at all.

"Hey Pete, everything okay?" I was concerned for the kid he seemed to be more stressed and chaotic than when I'd last seen him properly whether it was because of May or other things I don't know, but he knew I was here for him.

"Yeah just school stuff is all." I nod to him as he finally sat down and decided to just watch what Bucky had put on the telly, while I made sure the baby didn't hurt herself or what not.

"Terminator is just great all round." Peter was a geek with everything especially the Sci-Fi so typically films like the Terminator always caught his attention and made him forget everything for a while, I had seen this one night before finding out everything about me and my first trip to Asgard it was crazy how much could change so quickly.

"Yeah, it really is." All of a sudden there was a commotion from the hallway and the others all walked in except the four girls stared me down as I held Modi closer to me.

"What?" I noticed Loki walk around the sofa to my other side while Thor got closer on this side.

"Y/n, it's time to give up the baby and do adult things for a while." I looked from Nat to Jane.

"Thor and Loki are going to spend some time with Modi while you come out with us, you need to let her go." I snuggled closer to the baby who didn't seem to have a clue what was taking place.

"But she adores me." I knew I wasn't going to win this one but it was worth it to try.

"No, hand the baby to Thor and go get ready for a night out." I sigh in defeat before giving Modi to her father glaring at him as I did so before I started to leave the room muttering curses under my breath. I headed to mine and Loki's room where I found a short green dress and black heels so decided to put this on before sprucing my makeup up a little and doing my hair in a messy do, night out always meant bars and clubbing with the girls so this was normal dress code especially since they were all dressed this way. Once pleased with the outcome I went back to the communal area.

"Happy now?" At this they all looked to me, the girls nodding in approval while Loki just stared me up and down making me smirk. (See dress above).

'Lokes you good there, you know staring is rude.' My mind link seemed to snap him from his daze with a light blush.

'Not staring admiring, you're not going to get to sleep for a good while tonight.' This time it was my turn to blush, clear my throat and shuffle on my feet before the girls were happy to head off so we said goodbye and headed down to meet Happy since we planned on drinking tonight except Jane since she was still breast feeding but she barley drank anyway. We soon arrived at a club where we walked inside and immediately got a booth.

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