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~Y/n's POV~

It had been a little while in Asgard, 5 months had passed and everything was fine but I had started to grow home sick of Midgard. Life here was going splendidly but I still had a life there as well but right now Loki needed me here, helping with King duties was stressing him and I figured he needed a break sooner or later but until he broke then I would say something. Jane and Thor once they had got back told us all about their honeymoon and it sounded magical but the shocking thing was they had gotten pregnant during their last month of the honeymoon which was amazing, Frigga was over the moon but once they heard they would raise it in Asgard it took the King and Queen by surprise until I convinced them it was a perfectly fine place to raise a child.

Jane and Thor had gone back to Midgard a while ago since the time didn't seem to slow down her pregnancy process, so they went back to Midgard and we would be visiting in the next month to meet the baby Loki was secretly excited of being uncle. As of right now Frigga was currently teaching me more about my power and the soul bond, she had shown me every book and every history lesson on magic and a bond. There was very little around a soul bond but still more than you would expect.

"With a soul bond you unlock a whole new amount of powers. You and Loki can mind link, merge your powers, heal one another, transfer energy anything you name it." I nod in understanding, recently time with Frigga was getting a little annoying since she had started to hint at marriage and being queen to me quite a lot, I had mentioned it to Loki who said she was just happy for us both but I had a feeling she wasn't okay with us taking our time.

"Sounds like a lot." 

"It is, but it can be very helpful in situations much like the Crucibles." we had been at this all day but she wanted me to try mind linking Loki from where I was since he was practically on the other side of the palace.

"Now try calling out to Loki." I close my eyes and begin calling for Loki thinking about him entirely and pushing my thoughts and words to him.

'Lokes?' nothing for a minute so I decide to try again.

'Loki?' this time I feel a presence in my mind.

'Dove? Is everything okay?' I felt bad for disturbing him right now but I had to do this.

'Everything is fine love just lessons with your mother, you seem to do this easily.' it bothered me how good Loki did this and easily too.

'I've practiced magic for years dove.' it made sense he knew more than I but it still bothered me.

'Okay understandable, but I will leave you to your tasks now. Love you.'

'Love you too dove.' I smile to myself before looking at Frigga who smiled as well.

"You're getting much better, I'm impressed." it was nice to have her approval, it didn't feel like I had to try so hard anymore.

"Thank you, but I think I am done for the day." se nods to me as I hug her in thanks she had been quite helpful but stops me before I leave.

"Y/n how is Loki he is more quiet than usual." I sigh a little.

"Stressed he's trying to not show it but the training and tasks are getting to him, he needs a break I was going to suggest to him we stay in Midgard after we visit Jane and Thor there for half a Midgardian year."

"That sounds like a perfect idea for him, I am glad he was your soul bonded." I smile gratefully to her.

"Thank you, now I'm going to go and sort out a few things before Loki is done." she nods before ushering me away saying I spend too much time with her, so I laugh as I leave making my way back to our quarters where it was a complete mess. Me and Loki may have had a slight argument as of last night which continued into the morning, we still loved one another but we do a thing where we pause a fight for a period of time till we next see one another and are ready to continue the fight. So, I decide to begin cleaning up a little there were a few books all over the place and furniture a little out of place it was probably the first fight we've had ever we've had small disagreements before but this was a proper large fight. 

Last night Loki had come back from spending a day fighting the warriors three without using his magic so was a little battered and bruised but I had started learning how to heal my soul bonded so I had asked him if he waned me to help, he denied my help. At first I was perfectly fine with this it was his decision ultimately so I let him be and begin to sort himself out, I continued reading the book when suddenly he stormed back into the room. So being confused I asked what was wrong and then it all kicked off and it wasn't pretty that night we slept in the same bed but still remained separate, I figured al the stress was really getting to him but this morning it felt a little more personal.

I continued to clean the place a little more and began sorting out the books onto the bookshelf noticing soon we would have to change some out or expand the space somehow but that could wait until we had officially run out of books to read. As I was placing the books on the shelf I heard the door go and I knew it was Loki but he was going to be touchy so I let him do as he needed to do.

"Dove, turns out our parents want to visit Asgard sooner and we will leave this weekend." 

"Of course, sounds good." I was staring at the bookshelf for a moment getting bored with the alphabetical order and decided to change the order completely to be colour organised, knowing I had been doing this for the past hour or so I sighed before getting up and beginning to take out the books placing them in tacks around myself.

"Did you clean?" I glance up at Loki for a moment before continuing to grab the books.

"Yeah, I couldn't leave it that way." he doesn't speak for a moment.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm growing tired of alphabetical order so have decided after all of that ordering to arrange them by colour." we both thought I had a little bit of overpowering OCD but we didn't mind so much unless in times like this it got a bit annoying to the both of us.

"Okay, seems like this will take you a while." I nodded as I began to create pile of same coloured books until I was stopped by Loki getting in my way and I glare at him a little.

"You realise you're in the way right?" he grabs my arms and shakes his head.

"I do but right now we need to talk about this morning and last night." I let him walk me over to the sofa we barley used where we sat facing one another as he grabbed my hands.

"Dove I am sorry for the way I have acted, I should not have yelled at you yesterday none of it was your fault and this morning I made it personal I meant none of anything I had said and I am sorry I got that way." 

"Loki you are stressed lately so I understood you were relieving some of that, this morning went a bit far and I'm sorry for joining in. I never want to do that again or see you that way which is why you need a break." he runs his hands down his face clearly exhausted.

"I know I do." I pull his hands away from his face to make him look at me.

"So when we go to Midgard your parents are going to be the only ones coming back here, we're staying in Midgard for 6 Midgardian months." at this I receive a huge kiss and see him smile.

"I knew I loved you for a reason." I roll my eyes at this before standing up and heading back to my books.

"Well I'm going to organise these because it's winding me up, you should relax." I begin to start stacking the books in colours again as Loki walks passed towards our bedroom.

"I will sleep earlier tonight dove, don't be too late." I shake my head completely in the zone before he disappears into the bedroom to get some proper sleep.

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