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~Y/n's POV~

"Jane relax, Thor is going today to bring everyone here and everything will be fine." currently I was sat with Jane in a personalised office made just for her to do more of her work here, It had been 4 days since I woke up and there was a week left until the wedding but I was rendered bed ridden. I was allowed to move around but it was quite painful due to the sheer stress I had put my body under which was why I was sat down most of the time.

"I just want the engagement party tonight to go well and then don't even get me started on the wedding." it was safe to say Jane had become a bit of a bridezilla, but we were all trying to be there for her except the men tried to avoid her as much as possible even Thor but Jane didn't seem to complain. Loki and Thor had gone on their trip Frigga had wanted them to go on to bond more with one another and would return home this morning before Thor would go back to Earth to collect the others.

"And it will Jane, I promise you. Just focus on tonight for now, enjoy the engagement party then tomorrow you can go back to stressing over the wedding." she finally stops pacing and faces me taking a few deep breaths.

"Yeah okay, you're right. One thing at a time, thanks Y/n." I smile up at her.

"You're welcome."

"how are you doing? Any better?" I sigh a little.

"Well, it is a bit better but I really overworked my body it's taking a long while for it to gain back movement that doesn't hurt. It's killing me having to sit down more than I'd like to but I should be fine for the wedding and crowning ceremony and then I'll rest during the festivities." she nods, everyone was keeping an eye on me a lot lately since we don't really know what the process I put myself through could have done or whether I was perfectly fine now. The babysitting was getting tedious but I couldn't have the heart to tell anyone I was getting sick of them now especially when Jane was acting the way she was right now.

"It'll get better I promise, I understand you're getting tired of it now." I nod before there's a knock on the door.

"Come in." the door opens to reveal a guard.

"The Princes have returned and are in the Throne room." at this I groan loudly and let my head fall to the table in front of me.

"Thank you, we'll be there." after her words I hear the door shut again before a hand rests on my shoulder.

"Why so far." she smiles sympathetically before helping me out of the chair and keeping me stable, I could walk a little ways by myself now but not from here to the Throne room.

"You can do it, you'll be fine." I nod at Jane's words before we start to walk, I was limping but I could still walk by myself as of right now until we got a third of the way to the throne room and the pain was unbearable to the point where I had to lean against the wall beside me.

"Want some help?" I nod tiredly before Jane wraps one arm around my waist and lets me throw my arm around her shoulders and she helps me limp the rest of the way to the throne room taking a little loner to get there but eventually we did and I was already done, but we entered the throne room and everyone looked to us as I smiled sweetly at Loki. At the sight of me he immediately walked towards us in only three long strides and let me sort of fall into his arms which allowed Jane to rush over to Thor.

"If I knew you were still this bad I would have come to you." Loki held me in a way that let me put all my weight onto him and his tall stature which I was incredibly thankful for, I rest my head against his chest with my arms around his neck.

"I need to try to walk more, get mobility back." I feel him sigh before kissing the top of my head before resting his atop of mine.

"You need to be careful dove, you did a lot in a short time including the risk you took." I rolled my eyes at Loki, he was right but he didn't need to know that.

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