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~Loki's POV~

Our new guest was something else but something I couldn't wrap my head around, throughout dinner I would take glances at her trying to figure out what was so special about her and what about her made me intrigued. Supposedly, she had powerful abilities but we had no real evidence except for her word for it yet I still believed her it was easy to tell she was scared to be here and who she was wasn't just foreign to us but herself as well. I never really engaged in conversation with people here unless I had a snarky comment to make so me focussing on my own thoughts wasn't anything new but when I noticed how she had stopped eating with half of dinner left in her bowl I suddenly got invested.

"You not hungry?" Tony voices my thoughts exactly to which she shakes her head and wipes her mouth.

"So, am I allowed to freely roam the areas I was shown?" I almost smiled in amusement at her comment it was a sarcastic type of humour, that was my favourite type of humour to use but no one ever really understood or appreciated it. I watched as she stood up and left the table leaving us all to eat again and pretty soon I had finished so I stood up and decided to acquire a new book to read, books was all I had as a child because I knew it wouldn't bully me or brush me aside. So I beelined straight for the library to notice one of the doors was slightly ajar making me furrow my brows in confusion.

I walk towards the door and enter the room to see her slowly walking along the bookcases with a light smile gracing her soft, pink lips. I watched her carefully as her long y/h/c hair fell in soft curls down her back, her figure was small much tinier than my tall figure and that amused me. She didn't have large curves but she still had the perfect sized curves they were completely natural which was true beauty. I am not attracted to her. No. I just analyse people, I have done my entire life you can never be too careful. I decide to make my presence known finally.

"You can't read a book without picking one up." I call over to her and watch as it makes her jump before turning to me.

"I know, I was just admiring it all." I study her for a moment, she was unsure of how to act or be around me and that caused happiness to bubble inside me at the thought I made her nervous. 

"It doesn't take long to admire, browse and chose a book." I respond and watch her scowl at my words, I almost smirked but she was new and I didn't want to give much away at all.

"I've only read one book in all my life, it was all I had. Excuse me if I'm struggling to know where to start." at her words we don't say anything for a moment, I felt bad for her. She was robbed of a life and yet I could still see a spark of hope in her eyes that something better would come around but the fact all she had to keep her company was one book for god knows how long she was in there for sent a pang of sympathy washing through me. That confused me a little but I brushed it off and decided to step up and recommend one for her.

I started to walk towards her noticing one of the perfect books to start her off properly in the world of books and no doubt she wanted to learn more about the universe and world around her. Once I reached her I looked towards the book which would be too high for her tiny figure to reach, I lean and grab the book bringing it in front of me and look back down at her as I hand her the book.

"Try this. It's old legends and myths, it may peak your interest." I state to her as she looks to the book and takes it from my hand our hands accidentally touching for a small moment, I could tell her hands were warm and small compared to my colder and larger ones the thought made me shiver absentmindedly but she hadn't noticed, her eyes re-met mine giving me a perfect look at her bright, large pools of y/e/c eyes.

"Thank you." she responded and I nodded down at her and before I could go any further than this I move to the side a little and make a small gesture with my hand as if asking her to leave, she noticed and took the hint before walking away and I watched as she walked with speed and a gentle sway. Once she had left the room I turn back to the bookcase and grab a book of my own before turning to notice my brother stood there causing me to roll my eyes.

"What." he shook his head with a light smile.

"Nothing brother just didn't know you were the helpful type." I scoff as I slowly walk his way.

"I'm not." before I can walk past him I hear him scoff much like I did which was rare of my brother to do but then again I was only ever the one to really see him in this manner.

"What was that for?" I give him a stern look needing answers right now.

"Brother I've seen that look, she intrigues you. Romantically." those words anger me completely, he can't make accusations.

"She does not, I am not intrigued in anyway shape or form. Don't make ridiculous accusations." Thor sighs before patting my shoulder and heading towards the door and before he leaves he turns to me.

"It has been many years since the last time I saw a spark of amusement and joy in your eyes and that girl has done it within an hour." with those words Thor left and I stood staring at the book in my hands, my brother wasn't completely wrong about me being intrigued but I couldn't get close to people it always ended up hurting them I was born to stay alone. Brushing away the thoughts I leave the library, close the door and head back to my room for the rest of the evening.

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