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~Loki's POV~

"Brother, the Avengers want your help. They want more information about Thanos." it had been another month and this past week Y/n had fallen ill with a cold since we had just entered October and it was getting colder however it was hitting her harder than we'd all thought so instead of letting her nap alone I stayed with her this time to make sure nothing serious happened. So right now I was sat up in our bed reading a book as Y/n laid deep in sleep beside me, whoever needed my attentions was allowed to enter the room without knocking as long as they were quiet which was why I was surprised when Thor had entered with a soft voice.

"Of course let me get Peter." Peter and Y/n had gotten incredibly close she saw him as a little brother and cared for him very much so when Peter found out she was ill he checked on her very often but since I was in here most of the time now Peter backed off slightly, I didn't mind if he was here while he did homework or whatever he wanted to do I didn't mind the kid so much and he was important to Y/n so I knew if he was told to watch over her he would be glad to.

"Friday ask Peter to my room please." 

"Of course Mr Laufeyson." not a moment later did Peter rush into our bedroom with a tone of books for school and a worried expression on his features.

"What do you need Mr Loki?" 

"Can you take my place and watch Y/n for me while I talk to the others?" I watch his face take a hard on expression as I get up from my position placing my bookmark in my book setting it down somewhere.

"Of course, she will be watched like a hawk." I nod at Peter before checking Y/n quickly seeing her sound asleep with furrowed brows, she had been in a little pain from the illness and it was worrying me so I bent down to kiss her forehead as Peter turned on the TV to a low volume, sat beside her and continued whatever work he was doing. I left the room with Thor heading straight for the conference room where everyone was sat waiting for me and I took a seat in a spare seat taking Modi in my grasp along the way, I had gotten quite attached to my niece during my time here but no one seemed to complain.

"Loki, we need to know how far Thanos has gotten and whether you know any plans he may have." I knew they'd want more information sooner or later, they had already visited a man known as Dr Strange who gave them all information about the infinity stones and the history of Thanos' race including information of an upcoming battle not just the Avengers would have to face. To say they were worried was an understatement but they kept their cool most of the time and right now we were all pretty focussed on Y/n's declining health.

"Well Thanos to my recollection had collected some of the infinity stones, I do not know how many or which ones but I know he has some. As for plans he decided when the time was right he would go to the planet of the final stones sending his children to retrieve them and fend off anyone that got in their way, once all stones acquired he mentioned something about the snap." I look down to Modi as she grabs for my hair so I decide to distract her with my magic, letting green whisps wrap around her, mess up her few hairs and more things which earned few giggles from her.

"What's the snap?" I give my attention back to the others but continued with my magic.

"I don't know exactly but I know it has something to do with people across the galaxy some sort of revenge for his race being destroyed based off of that you'd only have to expect the worst in this scenario." I didn't want to bring them down but there was no reason to lie to them or sugar coat things it would help everyone if we had all the information we needed.

"So realistically we can't go about this gingerly." Bucky shares as others gave an exhausted look while I catch Modi as she tries to escape my grasp but somehow the thought of me catching her and struggling to keep her on my lap was hilarious to her, so she continued what she was doing.

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