Book Review

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As much as I know that I'm a newbie in this but I can't be less eager to read the review of my own book over and over again. *giggles*

I always enjoy reading reviews of other books but the excitement of getting to read this particular one about my book is off limit for real, so...Please spare your time to craft a beautiful review for this baby of mine.

We got some Q's to answer then?!

1. What inspired you to start reading this book?

2. Did the book manifest any strong emotions in you? If so, point out?

3. Is there any confusion or parts you found unclear in this book?

4. Was the story engaging and picturesque?

5. Did the story meet your expectations? If yes/No, point out?

6. Which character relates to you most and how?

7. Did you ever feel like abandoning the book? If yes/No, why?

8. What inspired you to continue reading this?

9. How would you word out or influence someone who hasn't come across this book to read it?

10. Was there any unexpected twist that took you off guard?

11. What's your opinion about how the story ends?

12. Was there any particular message or writeup that had a great impact on you? How?

13. Was there any change in your first impression about the book after reading it?

14. Would you recommend this book to others? Why and why not?

15. Is there any part of the twist that you'd like to explore further?

16. What part or chapter of the story intrigues most to you?

17. Did you have any dislike or liking towards any particular character?

18. What's your opinion about how the story plot and twist unfolds?

19. Did you connect with the book's main theme or message ? If so, how?

20. Would you like to read another book from this Author? If so, how soon and why?

✿ I really can't wait to read out all this, I know it's going to be lovely ✿

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