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A difficult problem.

★Tomorrow the sun shall shine and gladden your heart ★

"When you smile, even though your heart is filled with worries, don't hesitate to smile for inside you is a kind of energy full of smiles, beware of suppressing it, for that means that you're strangling yourself with pain and suffering. It doesn't cost anything, but it gives a big deal" she couldn't help the smiles that Cascades her lips placing itself tenderly on her pouted and lips displaying a dimple on both cheeks.

She pushed her head deeper into the note getting interested with every word she came across.

" Do not despair if your feet stumble and you fall into a big hole, you will come out of it stronger than before as long as you continue to remain patient.

  Do not stand for too long looking at the ruins, rather look at the sound of a  birdsong heralding the coming of a new dawn and forget the ruins caused by bat and ghost tending to find their way to them.

  Do not grieve if you receive a fatal arrow coming from the ones closest to your heart, for you will find someone to pull out the arrow, treat the wounds and bring back to you life and smiles....."

And she've come to the conclusion that she've already found someone to pull that arrow proceeding to fold the note back into four, not excaping the glimpse of a number written with bold letters below the page. She realised he've never asked of her number and this was the best way to ask for it.

How wonderful with it be to have a life with him showering her with this words that she seemed to have ground solace in.

           Indeed blessing is a bride whose dowry is gratitude”

She thought squeezing her self on the bed to have a siesta filled with beautiful and bright dreams of her future. She felt loved and in love.

Two weeks later

He hit the nuzzling alarm on his bedside table annoyingly as he lazily stretched himself, he was supposed to wake up late today and forgot to disable the alarm, yesterday was a hard day on him he couldn't say more about it. He regretted ever letting her go as his gaze shifted to the two invitation card placed on the bedside table, one was for him and his so called bride having the wedding date fixed as 3/9/2020.

He clenched his jaw seeing the same date on the other invitation card, as much as he wanted to hate his friend for that, he couldn't, cause he was the cause of it all, but how their date ended to be on the same day was an incubus, he harshly dragged his hair feeling the blood gush down to that path of his body which wasn't supposed to be but he was adamant as he wanted to feel more pain to know the level of pain he have been going through.

He faced the reality like a nightmare sprinkling the water from the running tap unto his face as some of the water escaped to the white tiles on the floor, he entered the bathtub with numb legs but successfully reached there, relaxing his muscles in the bathtub with weakness throbbing within as a result of couple of days with no work out.

As his legs brushed the bat mat, he knew this wasn't his decision, he tried everything to see reason with himself that he wasn't at fault but it still point back at him unable to overcome the obstacles. He exited the bathroom cladding himself into a dark green one pocket polo shirt with pants matching his emotions, dragging the set of pencils out of the chess of drawers as he planted it to his mind to finish the sketching today.

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