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Merged together as one.

Haleema sat straight on her wedding gown, apparently her mother's which was eventually passed to her. She looked at herself through the mirror coming face to face with the replica of herself on makeup, although made light but it illuminated every nook and cranies on her face, enchanted by her appearance dragging her contour in an affirmative and alluring way and bringing out an undeniable beauty. Her caramel skin blending with the white wedding dress adorned in golden beads. Her hair packed in a bun, she refused to plait her hair because she wasn't a fan of that and considering the hair dressers around, she knew they would go to the extent of using needle to plait her hair knowing she was the bride, it was better she saved herself from the troubles.

Nervousness wearing her off as she fought the urge to bite her nails, she looked up at Khamamat having an O' shaped mouth in overestimation she knew was directed towards her appearance, she looked down with a heated face at Khamamat kneeled to match her height with a teary filled eyes.

" MashaAllah, our bride you look great" she muttered with a shaky voice, blame her whining hormones which she claimed to be having ever since she retrieved Masduq off breast milk.

" I don't have much to say but a sisterly advice" "please do learn patience from Āsiyah, sincerity from A'isha, loyalty from Khadijah and steadfastness from Fatima and your marriage will be blissful inshaAllah" she whispered the last part making Haleema to embrace her in a hug filled with unspoken words that could only be uttered in that hug. Khamamat was more than just a friend to her, she's like an elder sister she've never had. Interrupted by a clearing of throat from someone, they broke the embrace to look at Fauza's smiling face.

" Mabruk dear sister in-law, the knot has been tied" she lamented gasping almost immediately when her attention landed on Haleema's face.

" You look amazing for my brother MashaAllah" she whispered in a teasing way making Haleema go all red, thanks to melanin making it visible to the duo's

" Awn, who's blushing" Khamamat teased while Haleema kept denying until the door to the room swing open saving her from the stress of saving herself from the two girls who were hell bent in making her day a living hell.

Her mother crushing her unto a heart stopping hug which gave Khamamat and Fauza the queue to leave the room for the two of them as her mother sniffled a sob, her eyes were not even close to being moist feeling like pulling out and smacking it for once, her heart ached when she heard the muffled hiccups of her mother and when she spoke, her voice was hoarse from crying.

" I cannot believe you're really going to embark on this journey now although it's not to early but it came up rather too soon as my every day wish. you'll be experiencing a new life which there is no room for father or mother, or for any of your siblings in this life." She started making Haleema to bow her head down knowing what was to come next.

" You will become a companion to your husband who will not want to share you with anyone, not even your own flesh and blood Haleema, you will leave the home you grew from, were you first learned how to walk and go to a place you don't know, to a companion you're not familiar with. By marrying you, he has become a master over you, so be like a servant to him, and he will become like a servant to you and worshipping the floor you walk on" she sniffled making Haleema deepened her head down with dried eyes.

She knew missing her mother was an obligation when her mother cupped her face with both hands, her gaze pierced into hers.

" My daughter, this is your present and your future, this is your family which you and your husband would make together, I am not asking you to forget me and your siblings, but I am asking you to love your husband and live with him happily" she adviced accompanied with smiles and tears before the door to the room swing open again, this time around it was her maternal aunty, Zayd's mother, beaming as she entered with a swollen stomach. She've not been able to conceive ever since she gave birth to Zayd and Allah in his Mercy has proved authority by blessing her with a gift she could never ask for more, she's now nine month pregnant and expected to give birth at any moment in time.

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