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Declaration that something is true.

As he exited the elevator, he couldn't help thinking of how miserable his life was turning to, devoid from life and anything living. He nodded at each gesture he received on his way at the end refused to affirm their welcoming gestures with head straight up.

His appearance was a display of skrupellos charms with wide plump lips and clad on a one pocket tuxedo with inner straps, his presence screaming nothing but sinister. The intimidating air around him whispering nothing but impeachment, her thoughts clouding his mind with every ticking seconds.

The Woody smell of his signature perfume, with nuances ranging from earthy, sweet and leather to spicy fragrance having intense and seductive fragrance. It rich olfactory fragrance keeping him in notice making him turn in a reclining position towards the direction of the scent, not like he was expecting to see her but he couldn't help his subconsciousness.

" Good day sir" his new secretary smiled sheepishly at him with a poker face. He couldn't help concluding that she was too girlish for his liking. Since after Jasmine's mother's death, he have been having difficulties in settling on one secretary considering the hard time he was going through with unclear emotions. Since after her mother's death, she retired back to her hometown to take care of her younger one's.

He replied with a Curt node entering his office with the secretary trailing behind, her useless ranting about things he didn't ask her made him stop her with a hand gesture freezing her mid sentence.

" Sir the....."

" Please leave" he shouted with a horse voice as she jolt in dismay, his rudeness. Noted, his humour making her compare him with her secondary school crush as she made a U-turn back to leave but was stopped by him almost immediately.

" About that day's assignment, have you found something reliable for me" he asked while she stupidly looked at the ceiling in thought of what it might be as he compress his nose with disgust, she's too dull to be with him no doubt about.

" The footage" he rumbled breaking her out of her reverie.

Thanks to Nigeria's lack of security making the search for his victim almost impossible for him. There was no security camera placed in the corner of the streets like the way it was normally done In every developed country, so the search for this particular person that succeeded in hurting Haleema was futile.

" Yes I...." She started out of reverie stopping mid sentence as the person she was talking to childishly popped his head inches away from hers.

His sharp contours religiously sculptured to perfection with eyes enchanting as a celestial body wondering the numbers of women Bewitched by his allurement. She huffed in disgust to his sudden softness which she've always yearned for but, at this moment in time it came at the wrong time.

" The only place that seemed to have a camera placed is the hospital which was her last place, but their camera footage is having some problems and would be fixed by next week hopefully "

His expression suddenly changed in disappointment bringing out the khabeer Bulama Kumshe with a captivating type of energy. One would think he was a cold hearted person which you have to read him further to know how callous he could be.

" What do you mean?" He asked refusing to meet her eyes

" Sir I...I mean..." She starts stammering but was stopped immediately as he made a gesture with his hands.

"Leave my office" he roared angrily though knowing what she meant but she continues to be a fool that she was by repeating that same word that was cracking the walls of his heart.

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