54- Auspicious

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Indicating good future omen.

Pulling the door open, she turned to look at Adda Yasmeen who gave her an affirmed nod, with a small smile carving her lips. Her hands becoming sweaty due to nervousness, though Yasmeen told her that he was now ready to hear her out, she couldn't help the nervousness she felt.

Fortunately for her, khabeer kept everything a secret from everyone in the household, so she didn't get any awkward looks from his cousins on her way, the only person that was persistent in knowing his problem was Yasmeen because she found him in a condition unlike him and insisted he told her everything.

Their house just some blocks away from the main house, unknown to Haleema how he managed to keep it hidden since someone in the household might come for a visit or ask about her, she immediately pushed her wandering thoughts at the back of her mind, before pushing the door open.

Adda Haleema only accompanied her to the doorstep with silly excuse that she wanted to say Hi to her parents, Haleema didn't prod further because she knew it was an excuse to give them an alone time, and that they really need. It was their problem to solve which she hopes would work out well.

The moment she closed the door behind her, she walked to the first place she expected him to be at that time, the balcony to his room, but unfortunately, he wasn't there. She was only left with the view of the busy city life before her, the little gardening effort created by the family some metres away, just enough to give a mesmerizing sight.

Illuminating cozy oasis, a withdrawal of the bustle and swindle of everyday life, giving out a placid atmosphere and the air filled with soft notes of favourite songs, accompanied by the subtle fragrance of fresh flowers from the garden to give out a perfection of a place for relaxing and retracting from the cruel world around her.

Letting fresh air inside her lungs, she walked further towards the railing to consume the view outside. A the corner of the balcony close to the railing was a vase filled with origami flowers, her eyes resting on it made her plant a smile across her lips, that was the first gift she gave him after their marriage, that which he cherished a lot.

Hugging herself as the March winter breeze hit her bare skin, not bothering to go inside for a cardigan or something to keep her warm, she wondered why he wasn't home by that time, it was almost maghrib and he was still yet to come. With a heavy sigh, she took gentle strides towards the deep blue sofa  which could be folded open into a bed form, her butts hitting the comfy chair while resting her back on the headboard, she closed her eyes filled with different thoughts clouding her brain unconsciously, her intention was to take advantage of the peaceful atmosphere the balcony gave out and relax while consuming the fragrance of fresh flowers.

Entering the foreroom, a haven moulded by her name, curved by her naive mind and embodied by her unyielding fervour.

A homely scent of burning incense welcomed him making him search for it location, and there it was, positioned at the corner of the room on the incense burner. He breath in a huge air into his lungs with greed, how he missed the sense of coming back home to his wife's mixture of grounded kajiji and hawee balls incense.

Giving out an ornament of luxuriant smoke that kissed his eyelids, he removed his brogues to change into his slippers that was lying at the corner of the door, striding upstairs with hope that his wife was waiting for him there, though he heard a tingling sensation that she might not be around, he held his hopes high taking unsteady steps towards his room.

That shouldn't be the first place he should have gone to find her, but something obscure made him stride that way, with his heart hoping for the imaginable.

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