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Finding comfort.

The wind swayed back and forth without being obstructed. It followed the rhyme of the unheard music happily with excitement.

The atmosphere outside the house was nothing compared to that of the one inside as the wind celebrated with no care in the world.

As if the sun was also informed of the event, it forcefully pushed the wind out of the way angrily, the expression on it face was not that of joy nor that of happiness, but filled with curiousity.

It succeeded in waving the wind away forcefully as it layed delicately on the surface of the earth, spreading it rays which consumed the atmosphere with it heat as it peaked through the apartment to watch the drama that was about to unfold.

The seat was hotter than it was supposed to be as he came face to face with the lady he have been trying to push out of his mind. Her eyes free, wide as saucer which was not layed on him but towards his friend sitting beside him, also with shock written all over his face masking the relief he felt deep down.

He have prepared meeting her but not this soon and not in this situation, at that point he did his calculations and was sure they were made to be from heaven. There's no way he was going to stop this union even if it meant giving his life in return, he would do just that to keep their relationship at Bay.

Hiding his emotions and masking it with amusement as he turned to look at his friend whose eyes was still on her.

Khabeer's eyes remainedl fixed on the familiar coffee brown eyes that he have ceased to forget. Resting on his with that innocence written all over it.

He freezed on the spot as different thought kept clouding his mind, was she the lady he was supposed to meet or her sister? If it's her sister, what would he do about it? He knew surely well that she won't accept him if he disapprove of her sister and come to her.

Haleema couldn't believe her self as her gaze locked on his, refusing to shift it away, she tried as much as possible to look down but her eyes remained heavy, drowning in the familiar hazle nut eyes.

She have no doubt now with the saying that says ' the world is a small place' she have been doubting that sayings since when she was little, but she have come to realize that after seeing the man in front of her, this world is nothing but a very tiny place

She blinked twice to make sure she wasn't dreaming, finally finding the decency to look away, her gaze falling on the man beside him, his gaze was also fixed on his friend who quickly cut off his train of thoughts, looking at her mom who was sitting on the couch.

She also looked down at her legs, her gaze fixed to her feet as her mouth formed into a thin line which she pressed harder over the other.

Khabeer realised her discomfort as he slowly shifted his gaze away from her, praying that his silent prayers would come to past.

All this happened in less than ten seconds with everyone struggling with their own train of thoughts.

" Haleema, bring something for them" mama interrupted as she finally composed her self greeting them before she left for the kitchen.

She came back a short while with a tray of snacks, drinks and bottle water dropping it on the center table before them, then proceeding to sit next to her mom.

She sat there quietly, not knowing what to do and the two gentle men before her also yet to recover from the shock they just had.

Mama was the one to ease the atmosphere as she started her supervision with a questioning eye fixed on both men, scrutinising their looks.

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