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Having a strong urge to seek revenge.

The chilly winter air of December-January sliced across her face as she stepped into the building. It was no more the lovely home she was having back then, she thought everything has settled down, but it seems all her misdeeds were knocking loudly at her door.

The so called home is now a house alone which she live in, without the warmness and lovely feeling she always have even after knowing that her husband was not in love with her, but the hospitality he always give her in  resentment because of his strong religious belief was enough to keep her partially happy.

She walked into the room with a heavy heart afraid of breaking down even after knowing that his sleep was a long one to begin with, her eyes drifted to were he was lying lifelessly on the bed, with her hand still gripping the knob with so much strength.

Pushing herself forward, she left the door half opened as her hand traced his body with a heavy heart almost busting out of the rib cage swollen with emotions.

It trailed reaching the very spot she wants to plant a peck and tell him how much she loves him. His body connected to different machines in the room which was monitoring his health, the oxygen held firmly to his nose as it passed oxygen in place, pecking his forehead as a bitter warm tears fell on the spot.

" Get well soon my son, mommy loves you" she whispered sniffling as she held the liquid substance back trying so hard to excape. It forcefully made it way out making her kneel beside the bed squeezing the bedsheet, her heart was shattering into pieces, she was not sure it was ever going to be in place again.

The sound of the door made her jolt back with a sniffle as she turned to look at the invader who was no one but her husband. She forcefully ran to him with a tight grip on his shirt as she wept furiously making Alhaji sidi Bukar to stiffen in contemplation of reciprocating her actions.

He would have called himself a Bewitched person if he didn't know what he was doing at the moment, this is his punishment for whatever mistake he has done on this Earth. He doesn't deserve any happiness, not in this world neither in the hereafter.

" She must pay for this...I'll make her pay for it..." He hear her choke under her tears with a sobbing yell making him to pat her back soothingly.

His mind drifted to his family when he heard her harsh words in between sobs, even if he was not there to protect her years back, he would do anything in his power to do so now. It's never too late.

What would happen if she finds out about the person that did such thing to their son. Did he just say their son. No he's just hallucinating, he's still not in belief that the son lying down on that bed was his son. It was a risky thing to do if he is to draw his blood and use it for test because of his condition, but he was sure he would secretly undergo that test to find out the truth, his wife most be tempering with the result all this while, he can't risk using his last chance, he would patiently wait for him to recover from his vegetable stage.

" I'll definately make sure she pays for it if I find her" she spoke in loathe in between hiccups.

He have been protecting them ghostly and he won't cease to do that even when his wife is involve, she has her own way with things and he will make sure he double the security.

What would a helpless father do  under his mother's spell of a love when he also have a family to care and give love to, this is the least he could do. He reciprocated the hug trying to calm down which was of no use. She would do anything for her son's wellbeing even if it meant to turn down the world. She was definately going to avenge for him.


She looked at the stars in the sky which were beyond beautiful, there's no doubt about it cause their beauty could take a breath, blocking all the respiratory system in a body, starting from the organ, system—down to the cell. But one thing about it was that it differ from one moment to the other, from one angle to another, but all of it was jus beautiful and breathtaking.

She allowed her self to get distracted by the beauty of what the Lord has created which was no way close to her attitude. The buzzing of her phone distracting her thought.

" I'm all ears" she said immediately she received the call trying so hard not to show her nervousness. The respond from the receiving end made a sheepish smile carve itself to her lips. After all her attempts to make them far away from him, they are still hunting her down. They got nothing to loose at all. She thought replacing the smile with a smirk.

She can't believe she was going to this, but talking about her son, she could do anything for his sake. Even if that would take her to the extent of shedding blood. She was willing to do so. She've never been in place to do such act but she would now, She would make them suffer it and disappear from the world in thin air.

" Keep an eye on them, I'll get back to you" she replied shortly putting the phone back to the pocket on her winter coat.


        “Extinguish the flame of hatred from your heart by forgiving everyone who have ever hurt you”

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