41- Depraved

81 23 1

Morally bad or evil.

"...  Dear wifey, I'm not trying to fret you or make you panic about this, it's just a reminder that we won't last forever in this world and I'll like us to try our best in making this marriage work out. I would try as much as possible to be the best husband to you knowing how hard I find it to express my feelings, I guess writing this down is not a bad idea too, it makes me express my feelings better in words, I love you from all the angles available in my heart and always will."

She paused blinking the tears away from her eyes taking her gaze back to Fauza's who was looking at her with rumbling emotions. Her fingers trailing the last sentences remembering how he always pleaded to get those words out from her mouth but she refused insisting she would say it to him at the right time which would never come. The tears coming back to blur her vision making her sniff it back before returning back to the paper.

His words filled with the language of truth, pouring out his heart out to the slightest, drawing every part of his heart with words only meant for her which was  labelled by his undying love for her. She felt the pain that surge through her veins remembering every moment they shared together, he was always the one to disclose his feelings but still he kept insisting that words were insufficient to make him declare how he felt towards her.

" My sister is the only blood relative left for me and I'll like you to also treat her like your sister, she can be stubborn and desperate at times but I know you are in better place to handle her. Khabeer is the closet person to me after my sister but you've already been placed at a higher rank than them because you were always my other half and without you I'm incomplete. Please take good care of Fauza for me..." Choking unto her sobs, Fauza held her mouth preventing the painful gasp from escaping her mouth but it did. Haleema shoved the paper away hugging her tightly as every word written down on the paper came dancing into her head. She was vulnerable at the moment as she watched into the space with numb expression.


The beginning of the new year should be a blessed one as she have presumed before getting married but moving on was something easy to tell and hard to do.

Still living in her husband's house which she refused to leave though she has no Iddah on her. It took a lot of effort for her to get to encourage her mother which she has no option other than to comply, as far as that would keep her daughter at ease she was ready to do just anything.

Today being another boring weekend for her, she refused to leave her room getting consumed by her motivational speech. She was surprised to check her IG page and found out that she've reached 100k followers which made her to take another video again.

" Hi guys, thanks for being with me throughout this journey on reaching a hundred thousand followers, I would like to drop this again. When you wake up in the morning, don't expect to reach the next day because this life is no more than seconds and minutes, so guys enjoy your time while it last. Bye" she waved beaming at the camera before clicking on the send button.

The door to the room opened revealing Amatuallah as she embraced her in a warm embrace. Though she wasn't still in a good condition with Khabeer and still refused to let him have his way, there was nothing she could do to distance herself with his sisters who have been nothing but supportive throughout this period.

She peaked behind expecting to meet him, as much as she found it embarrassing under his gaze, she also yearned to catch a glimpse of him at any moment. Amatullah have always tried in one way or the other to come visit her anytime she's free and also try the lighting up her mood with some silly jokes she always enjoyed.

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