10-Fighting Anxiety

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State of mental uneasiness.

" I don't think I can do this Ahmad, but I'll just give it a try not to bring Abba down, he shouldn't have asked for his friends daughter without my consent, that really hurt me but I have no option left, do I? " He asked sarcastically looking towards his friend way who was also looking  back at him in awe.

His friend was surely the one that always talks about settling for an arranged marriage because he couldn't go through the stress of having to use strange sweet words to woo different categories of women and enduring the commitment he has to give out in a relationship he wasn't sure of working out, but now he don't even know where this is coming from. 

" But I remembered you telling me that you preferred an arranged marriage than going through all those stuffs, then why are you getting so pissed off already, are you interested in someone?" He asked although he knew so far that his friend wasn't seeing any girl at the moment.

Keeping work his first priority won't let him do that.

" This is not an arranged marriage bruh, this is a blind date you know that too well, it have a lot of differences" he almost yelled angrily making his friend go numb.

Ahmad looked at his friend who was lost in his thought. it was one particular girl that have been lingering in his mind since the day he met her and he still couldn't get her off his mind, was he doing the right thing by not going against his dad or he should just use his connections to find more informations about the girl?

What if he does?

Would he go ahead and meet her family dumping his father's offer? No, she wouldn't like that, it's better he gets her consent first.

It's not like he's even good at words, although he have never tried to share sweet words with women, but he's talking about a different being in total now and his intentions at the moment was just to get married to her, he was still not sure she was going to accept his proposal but he was thinking of making her his, what a weird thought.

She finally peaked his interest to marriage although he have never thought about it, it sounds crazy he knows, but that is the feelings he was having at the moment.

He was in love with a total stranger he don't have any source of information about.

Wait. how would he get to know about her considering he don't have any clue of her identity except for her lingering images on his mind, but still  that won't help in finding her. He huffed the hot air as he looked at his friends who was also having his eyes fixed on him.

" I'm a mess guy, I don't even know anything about her, I don't have a picture, I don't have her contact, I don't know where she stays, I don't have anything at all that would link me to her" he completed in one breath as he used his left hand to go through his hair.

" Now are you telling me that you got someone already?" Ahmad asked curiously but quickly put his gaze down receiving a deadly glare from khabeer.

"Ok I get you but..." He started licking his lower lip as he used his hand to brush his moustache as if in thought " In this era that we are in guy, it's hard to find a girl that would accept to marry you without going through courtship, we are in the 21st century bruh, you got to accept this as qadr, maybe you're not meant to be together, who knows? " His friend replied trying to calm him down.

he have never seen his friend so serious about a woman like that, this wasn't the first time someone peaked his interest, but this is the first time he's getting worked up over a lady. Being like a hard rock with no emotions and looking at how his friends mind was jumbled at the moment, he could sense the seriousness of the situation.

" Let's go play snooker guy, don't think too much about what is not possible, if she is yours nothing can change it, so find a way to take her off your mind and accept the girl your dad is going to introduce you to with an opened  heart" he added after a long purse from his friends side, making khabeer to look his way in disbelief.

Ahmad was a guy that like playing with women's feelings as he finds pleasure in being a play boy and this coming from him was unpredictable.

'so the stupid guy knows what he's doing and won't stop putting the act' he thought giving him a scrutinizing look.

" Hey stop the looks already, you're making me feel what I'm not supposed to feel, that's just the fact guy" he smirked hitting khabeer lightly on his shoulder.

"But you know..."

" ...Please guy don't start with your preachings again, I'm not ready to hear any of your preachings this evening , let me enjoy my youth at least, everyone knows that whatever is written to be yours won't miss you because it will come your way no matter the miles apart" he smirked again as he helped his friend to stand up moving towards the table.

They played for a while before they hard the adhan for maghrib and  hasten to the mosque to perform their sallah.He stayed there with Ahmad until after they prayed Isha before they left for home going straight to his apartment.

Sleep was thousand miles away from him, having one million dollar thoughts in a second, his mind in a gaze with no particular emotion to settle on, he just hoped whatever he settled for was for the best.

"can he be able to do this? or he should just come clear with the lady and tell her that his heart was already stolen by another? Or should he just accept the lady in question and forget about someone he doesn't know? What if she was also forced to accept him? What if it didn't work out the way they want ? Was he going to love her? Was he going to be left with a broken heart after falling head over heels for her? Did she have someone in mind already? ...."

Why was he even thinking so when he knows it was just a blind date, it was always not destined to work out, as much as he hated to admit it, but it seems something big was going to come out from it all.

He couldn't hold back the questions that have craved itself in his mind as he removed the duvet furiously mouthing what his ears couldn't hear before walking towards the ensuite to perform ablution.

He somehow felt relieved as he sprayed his prayer mat to  communicate with his lord.

After praying two raka'at, he cried out to his lord to make things easier for him, he emptied All his problems to his lord, thanking him as he seek for guidance and forgiveness.

After reciting some verses from the holy Qur'an which gave solace to his heart, he decided to re-read the very verse that caught his attention.

{After hardship, Allah would soon grant relief}
(Qur'an 65:7)

After pondering on the verse several times, he dismissed grief, deserted anxiety, depart the locations of depression and evacuate the tents of despair and frustration to come to the mihrab of faith. He felt satisfied and glorified the name of the almighty,
that was when he allowed his head to hit the pillow and welcome the arrival of Miss sleep, giving him a warm hug and making him forget all his problems in a blink.

  <Count Allah's blessings upon all your problems>

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
And finally, Miss sleep won the battle 🤭😌

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