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To become entangled or knotted.

How time flies.

Vividly remembering how she was proposed to, she sat in the comfort of the room in her parents house which she would soon be taken away from as she waited for another badge of advise from her relatives. The déjà vu feelings of getting married again swaying her mind.

She could say having relatives was a blessing but at this moment in time, she've withdrew her words. Having no relatives from her father's side was a relief unable to imagine how it could have been if she was to have one coming from him also.

His mother was an orphan with no relative while his father was an only son making her have no paternal grandaunt or granduncle. His mother being a notorious wife has done her possible best in keeping her rivals out of the picture so he has no information regarding his step siblings who were all female. Not like he don't have the source to dig them out but he was too preoccupied in his twisted life to even think about them.

Tracing her hand on the exposed skin of her hand While admiring the good work the skin care did to her, her hair pores barely visible as her skin became softer than usual, it was really a remarkable new appearance for her and she loves every bit of it.

The knot have been tied and the Bukar family were waiting for the groom's family to pick the bride. People rambling in the household one needn't have to be told that something was going on in the house.

The room became suffocated with the whispers coming from the four occupant of the room every now and then calling it how to keep your husband. Uncle Hamza's wife was the leader, her voice louder than the others as she held her baby close to her chest allowing it to suck unto her teat, the other three were the wives of her mother's brothers snickering at every silly comment.

She retrieved her hand from her skin placing it on the dress. It was a golden and white Arabian dress sewn into perfection with the veil having the same material with it draped over her head. She used the veil to cover her face hiding away the temporary blush that have been on her cheeks for more than an hour now.

Sitting on the middle of the bed amidst her aunties, she dug her head down only raising it up when She heard the creek of the door although praying that the groom's family were here to pick her to be saved from the tight situation she was in, but she also felt a lump in her throat with the thought of already missing home.

She ached to raise her veil seeing the silhouette figure ambulate inside the room through her transparent veil, with the door left ajar, it was a figure of a woman apparently the same size with her mother. The bed deepened as her aunties vacated their place walking towards the door. Their voice was shushed as they whispered something to the person before exiting the room with their shadows trailing behind them.

She wanted so badly to meet the only occupant of the room as the signature perfume engulfed her olfactory lobes making her sniffle back her sobs recognizing the owner of the perfume. Raising her veil to reveal her face, she was now met with the sanguine eyes of her mother, she dropped her gaze down feeling her heart ache from the mere sight before her as she used the back of her hand to push down the fluid that was blocking her nostrils.

Meeting her mother's gaze again, she opened her mouth to talk but nothing came out of it. She've built a stronger bond with her mother for the past five month and seeing her in this situation at the moment because of her was heart wakening.

Her mother sniffled back her sobs clearing her throat as she rubbed her sweaty palms on the asoebi she was wearing " I advised you the first time knowingly because I know you'll pick up, but I wish to say more today" she started grasping her daughter's shaky hands in hers momentarily squeezing it.

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