44-Truth Unveiled

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She looked from her grandfather to her parents, back again to her grandmother who was sitting beside her husband on the dining chair. As he licked his finger in satisfaction before mumering something inaudible under his breath. After trying so hard not to tell them the ugly scars her father has, her grandfather decided to let her be until today which was the deadline they stroke for her, they knew better than to do that seeing how stubborn she was in spilling it out.

She looked down at her fingers nibbling unto her lower lips as blood gushed down to that particular part, she was nervous would be an understatement because this would not only expose her father's ugly acts, but also bring back a fresh pain to her mother who has recovered partially from disappointment.

" Sadiya" she hard her grandfather's hushed tone making her raise her head a little bit, looking everywhere except for the four pairs of eyes on her.

" Yes?" she managed to mummer with her teeth dipping harshly unto her lower lips.

" Explain what you told us in the hospital about your father" he spoke this time around more calmly.

" You know I won't allow my daughter to get married to someone that doesn't know her worth, so tell me what your father is hiding" he added sending a soft glare towards his son in-law to be, it was a warning glare although he also doubted if his granddaughter was right about her accusations.

She looked at her helpless mother knowing surely well that if this was revealed and he happened to be guilty which he surely is, she was going to get hurt beyond measures. Shifting uncomfortably on the chair, she looked down at her fingers finding it tempting to nibble on.

" He has another child with someone before getting married to mama and that's the woman he left us to be with" she mumbled incoherently.

The expression she expected to get from them all was not what she got except for her mother who looked at her ex husband unbelievably.

Izzatu looked at her granddaughter with adoration in her eyes as she huffed out a relief breath. Abubakar was only thankful that he had taken protective measures beforehand, if not he don't know how he was supposed to explain himself to his in-laws.

What peaked her interest more was the reaction on her grandfather's face, knowing surely well how hot tempered he was from the few weeks she spent with him, she didn't expect him to put on a calm expression, instead she didn't miss the small smile that crept beside his full lips.

She raised a questioning brow at him when his hand reach out from under the table to squeeze hers " Sadiya kenan" he uttered now allowing the smile to widen up into a bigger one.

" Who fed you with all this, I'm sure you didn't just decide to dig on your father's past just like that" he added making her shift uncomfortably with questioning glare, now she was the one that needed an explanation.

And as she narrated everything Raudah told her on the phone call, their expression was still the same which wasn't expected, they tend to have known much except for her mother who was in this darkness with her.

" Be rest assured that your father have explained everything to me in details and the only fault I found with him was not telling your mother" he added making Haleema raise another questioning brow again while her mother shifted uncomfortably on her seat.

Now this wasn't making sense at all and she wanted it to make sense, were they aware of her father's past life or they just decided to let it slide, with eager ears and wide eyes as wide as her mother's who was also keen to hear more, Fatima couldn't let it slide.

" Abba what do you mean?" She asked looking from her husband to her father. Haleema also pushed her head forward in curiosity waiting for her grandfather to explain.

" The woman he got married to spiked his drink and forced herself unto him which resulted to their son before you got married to him" he paused using tooth pick to pick out some particles of meet from his teeth.

" After you gave birth to a daughter and his mother was desperate for a son, that gave Raudah the opportunity to come with her bastard son claiming he was his son which was the reason she asked him to divorce you" he concluded looking at their unconvinced faces, it was like there was more to it that he didn't tell them.

" I divorced her after finding out that the son wasn't mine, she have been tampering with all the genotype test that we've been having" Abubakar spoke aloud answering his wife's unsaid question. That was the first time he spoke since they arrived

" Then why do you have to go against your mother and come back to me since she insisted you divorce me" Fatima let out in fear that they would repeat the same mistake they deed in their bachelorhood, the question have been ringing in her brain since the day he came with her parents and Hamza, but she just decided to let it out now.

" She was the one that found out about it and died with heartache of hurting you. Her last wish was for me to take you in again and ask for your forgiveness on behalf of her" she knew he said that, but never knew the forgiveness was meant for him to take her back again as a wife, and a smooth and chill surge of relief passed through the core of her being.

" I hold no grudges against her, she was just doing it for the benefit of her son and I understand. May her soul rest in perfect peace" she prayed earning a continuous murmur from everyone in the room.

" I'm really sorry, I know I'm not supposed to put blames all on my mother because I'm always at fault, Haleema please forgive me" he turned to his daughter who was still yet to process the situation.

What was happening in front of her was like a dream she never wished to wake up from, she really hoped that was her father and that what he was saying was right and they'll be together again as a family. That happy family she always wished to have.

A caring father, a loving mother and a doting daughter.

" Haleema please forgive your father and be happy together again" her grandmother muttered with tear filled eyes, she was happy that the family would become one again.

" I'm sorry dada" she broke out hugging him tightly as if he was going to follow the wind and disappear.

" I love you" he mumbled aloud placing a feathery kiss on her forehead before engulfing her into a hug again, she let herself get consumed by the aloe scent of his perfume as a tear slipped down her eyes. She missed him a lot.


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