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Short lived admiration.

Folding another clothe, she pushed it to the it side of the wardrobe which held her sewn atampa, neatly folded and arranged in an organised manner.

She heaved a sigh about folding the last set of clothes which was her Abaya, she've been folding her clothes ever since she woke up this morning, almost a week since she washed the clothes and didn't get to fold it until then, not after getting an earful from mama.

There was nothing she hated more than having to arrange clothes and fit them in her wardrobe.

" Ya Allah" she sighs throwing her self on the bed as she dipped her head in her pillow. Though she so much wanted to take a shower and get rid of her stinky self, she still couldn't bring herself to walk towards the bathroom with her heavy limbs, her bones all worn out of tiredness.

She groaned unto the pillow hugging it to herself, her eyelids closed in an attempt to take a nap, but the door flung open making her eyes go wide in fear. She remembered mama asking her to close the door before she went out which she didn't, thinking that she was going to do so after folding the last clothe, but here she is with an intruder in her room.

"God of..." She mentally snapped stopping herself from muttering it aloud as she turned back to look at her new companion, mentally face palming her self as she let out a grunt returning back to the bed with thump.

" What in the world Khamamat, why can't you just..."

" ... Salam, yes I know which I did, I don't know what you've been thinking of or doing that you didn't hear me saying that" Khamamat snapped completing her statement for her while pushing her self in, rocking Masduq who have been sleeping suddenly in her embrace.

Now feeling the urge to face palm herself which she did, getting her ass in a sitting position on the bed as she gave Khamamat a scrutinizing look
" the last time I checked, you haven't reached your fourty days with this baby and you're already out" she nearly yelled but her voice was too weak to come out in a yell, She's already worn out from the stress of having to fold their clothes which wasn't a set or two. One would think it was an easy task but she knew it wasn't. Far from that.

" Spare me the motherly tongues, now you're acting like you're older than me. Nurudeen tried much harder but I refused, insisting that I want to visit you, after all it's almost a month" with a scoff, she made her way towards the bed as she lay the baby on an empty space.

" But you still should have stayed back, afterall you're not too strong and I was thinking of coming by when mama stuck me in with workloads of clothes to fold" refusing to agree with her making Khamamat to Look around the room for the stacks of clothes which wasn't in anyway close by while returning her gaze back to Haleema with a twitched nose, she don't know why her friend detest that a lot.

" I just finished folding it before lying down for a nap when you came" she explained answering her friend's unuttered question which was visible enough in her eyes.

" I see" she huffed aloud searching the room for something which Haleema quickly picked " I don't think there's water here, let me get it for you from the kitchen" she uttered making Khamamat to stiffle a laugh.

Her legs crossed one over the other as she gave her a look Haleema couldn't read " you read me too fast girl, but before that, spill it out I'm all ears" she said dramatically folding her hands across her chest.

" Uhmm" Haleema mumbled with a tight lips and raised brow not understanding what her friend meant

" You sulk badly, what's with the pretense, ahbeg talk I'm all ears" she added again, now resting her two hands behind her in a relaxed way.

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