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The state of being aware

She waited for what seemed like an hour and still there was no sight of her friend, after several attempt to reach her, her phone was already switched off. She furiously gulped unto the last drop of the liquid as she vacated her sit to go meet her annoying friend. She's sure going to deal with her for making her waste her precious time.

What she yearned for at the moment was a quick shower and nothing more, mentally rolling her eyes after thinking of various ways to punish her friend for her actions, she settled her bills and proceeded to leave.

Her appetite was long gone when she almost collided with a hard surface having a strong rich aura, but it came out it wasn't a mistake because the person happened to have done that intentionally.

Her eyes meeting with his glass orbs, having an unidentified emotions, his  cinnamon brown eyes refused to meet hers for a moment dropping his gaze immediately. His full mouth formed into a thin line as he tucked his hand into the pocket of his framed lapel white tuxedo. Giving out a neutral expression though what was written on his face was different with what was on his mind.

Her words got stuck unable to utter anything when she heard him whisper the three words, his ragged breath fanning her face, the faint scent of mint and sandalwood consuming her nostrils. Embarrassed would be an understatement making her have goosebumps all over, her hairs managing to excape from it  pores. She quickly retreated managing to mutter her 'thankyou' but the man left her on her spot awestruck, guess he didn't even get to hear her word of appreciation.

Rather, that was what she thought.

Today should be marked as the most embarrassing day of her life as she uncomfortably walked towards her car, thanks to God Mama forced her to drive it when she complained of not being in the mood for driving , little did she know that it was to her own advantage.

It really saved her the curse, managing to slip out of the spot without attracting attentions. Her breath got back on track the moment she entered the car making her hit the pedal in fury.

This wasn't good.


After rounding up his meeting with the GK group representatives, they finally agreed to their terms and signed the contract.

He showed them off and was about to pay the bill when something caught his attention, it was a red liquid on a lady's fabric and looking at it once, he knew what it was, he wanted to turn back and mind his business when something unknown dragged his attention towards her, the steady sound of his leather Oxford shoe leading him to her direction as he took large strides towards her .

Dressed on a peach Arabian jumpsuit and using a jersey veil to round it over her head, he managed to get a quick glimpse of her face, featuring her appearance as the dimple on her right cheek became visible  because of the way she was pressing hard on her lips. Clueless.

Her skin was a definition of classic,the golden undertones unaware of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun, soft and slippery, the caramel nature of her skin boasted a rich combination of golden and red undertones.

Her lips was a divine charm with the temptation similar to a forbidden fruit, the capsized nature of her nose was inclined in an aquiline border.

Refusing to meet her gaze, he studied the artful nature of her brows arched in an inimitable way was only a work of a divine being.

Bringing his gaze down, he mistakenly caught her gaze on his, less than a second glance but was an undeniable allurement. Her beauty all lies on the captivating coffee brown eyes making him to shift his gaze in a swift

She was unaware of her situation with the questioning looks she sent his way which would make any man fall on his knee but, not khabeer Muhammad Kumshe.

At first, he wanted to remove his suite and wrap it around her waist like the way it was normally done in movies or novels but he reminded himself that this was no drama and he was not in anyway going to let his expensive suite go to waste just for a mere lady he met and was trying to help. What he did was the only reasonable thing he could think of at that time as he approached her.

Moving a step more toward her while saving a remarkable distant between them as he whispered the three words into her ears
"you got stained"
He was quick to retreat from her trying to get rid of the scent of his best perfume product 'oud al-amir' 

Horror was what was written all over her face when he whispered those words to her, she finallly managed to whisper a thank you to him after getting over the shock.

Though she thought he was out of ear short, but his ear lobes managed to consume the melodious tone of her voice mouthing a thank you.


" I was beyond embarrassed Khamamat, I knew I was hotter than a frying pan on fire at that moment, gosh" she mentally squealed as she face palmed her face after narrating the whole event to her friend.

Her next stop was supposed to be home but she couldn't wait to see Khamamat's sorry expression after knowing about that and she knew she wasn't a type to let the day event slide, so she rushed to her house with different plans in her mind but ended up feeling sorry for Khamamat after seeing her state of health

" K-mama you're definitely in for it, you can't belief the embarrassment I..." she started but trailed off when she heard her friend's voice in the toilet emptying her stomach.

" Khamamat what's going on?" She quickly rushed to the bathroom as she helped her friend to wash up and made her take a cup of hot cappuccino and biscuit.

" I'm really sorry girl, you know I'm not used to this nauseating of a thing, I'm sorry I had to make you go through all that" Khamamat uttered after digestion, turning her attention back to her friend.

" I didn't even read your message. The moment the message popped unto my screen, my phone switched off and I was weak to go down the stairs and get my charger" she added making Haleema to shift uncomfortably although she have planned different ways of making her pay for it

" It's ok girl, you don't have to be loud, your expression said it all, after all let me take a shower before I get home, there's this your straight gown that I have been eyeing, I'm going for it" she winked entering the bathroom as Khamamat muffled a laugh.


                  {The most sincere generosity comes from those who do not have anything but understands the value of a kind word and smile}

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Do you think khabeer is the prince charming??

Who thought of them meeting like this👀

I never thought so too to be precise, I dug a lot from my brain before coming out with this

Ok then guys enough of the surutu lol 🤭

how was it??

                                        And share 💬    

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