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A word puzzle.

The recent days have etched facts upon her consciousness, straining with intensity that words alone were few and far between. With each passing moments of her being, it was indubitable that she still yearns for khabeer's love but couldn't bring her mind to settle down on it, each time the thought came to her, she came with the excuse of him never wanting her at first, but she knew that he was not only rocking her world but her entire universe.

Coming to a conclusion that there was no being that could fill the void of her soul except him. His vicinity in her unverse was a unique tune in the resonating chamber of her heart. The spell he casted upon her was a magnetar.

She yearns profoundly for his affection that defies the law of nature, allowing the sky to bow down to kiss the rocks underneath it.

With much reluctance, she closed the lid of her cream turning towards the wardrobe when a resounding knock brought her out of her reverie. She didn't have to think twice knowing the intruder of her reverie as she abandoned the vanity table heading towards the wardrobe, her towel tied to her bosom.

After much persuasion from her parents, she agreed to move in with them while Fauza returned to the hostel coming back on weekends when there was nothing to do in school.

She mentally screamed finding nothing suitable to wear while her mother impatiently continued to bang on the door " I'm coming" she groaned tiredly dragging her feet twords the door to unlock it. She didn't even bother to turn her face towards her direction knowing she was going to rant after finding out she was yet to get dressed.

" What are you still doing on your towel without getting dressed" she half yelled following Haleema as she went deeper into the room to sit on the bed. She tilted her brows up not knowing why her mother have been in her neck to get dressed after knowing clearly well that there was no possibility of any event taking place in her life.

She pushed the strings of hair that managed to escape from her headgear while huffing out an exaggerating breath. " What's going on today that you're so interested in me getting dressed early" she asked trying to be as polite as ever while her mom ignored her walking pass her towards her wardrobe in search of something.

She shuffled through the wardrobe in an attempt to look for something presentable for her daughter not caring a bit of her unusual bickering. " Here it is" she brushed pass her again dropping the cloth on the bed beside Haleema.

It was a royal blue cut-lace material having some patterns of flowers which was adorned with peach petals. She glanced brushingly towards the cloth that was now resting on the bed beside her before turning back to her mother with a questioning brow.
" Wear this" she ordered not meeting her daughter's gaze although answering her silent questions.

She looked from her mother again back to the heavy material that was lying beside her and scrunching her nose in disgust. " Don't tell me you're chosing this for me to wear when I need something comfy to suit my current mood" she questioned not bothering to put effort in making her words polite, she just needed something less heavy and silky to make her feel comfortable although she doubted if it was ever going to give her what she needed, but that was just the type of cloth that she needed at the moment.

Letting her hand slide from her side, she stretched it towards the material feeling the texture of the material as her eyes lingered on it for a moment realising she've never worn it before. " Or...is there something you're not telling me?" "Am I having a guest" she trailed off unsure of her words knowing her parents would never try such a thing, at least not in her current mood.

Her mother still refused to speak out maintaining eye contact with her daughter while trying to communicate with her through the eyes but the daughter was already dumb to read out anything from the signs she was giving her. " You're having visitors" she confirmed making Haleema throw her head back unbelievably before tilting it forward again, if anything at all, then She hope that the idea of her parents marrying her off to someone wasn't part of the option because she was sure going to go yampy.

Quirk Of FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora