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Actions that influence a desired effect.

Since after the incidence, Haleema was no longer herself, hanging over an unrolling emotion, the thought of the heart break and Saudat doing such a thing to her was a nightmare. She literally remembered the event before her blackout, the familiar lady she saw on the rickshaw was no one other than Saudat.

Her face was unclear at that time because her mind was unsettling and already transfixed to go home at the moment, she just thank God that she didn't make an attempt of talking to her if not, who knew what could have happened at that time. But, what she refused to understand was that the issue of the attack was so complex, the attacker has no interest in her belongings, nor did he or she tries to molest her in anywhere, her bag and accessories was found on the roadside not far away from the hospital she was working with nothing missing except for her clothes which was also found thorn out in between the bushes.

She refused to interact with any visitor except for Khamamat and Fauza who she later got aquinted to.

Sitting in her room refreshing the moment of last night, she allowed tears to roll down her cheeks savouring the salty thirst of the liquid rolling through her lips.

The gentle soft knock on the door made her jack reflexly as if not expecting it to come anyway soon, afterall she've heard the knocks countless times since morning and still refused to attend to the person, her mother, younger siblings and Khamamat tried all in vain as she hugged her pillow reminiscing whatever that was buckling up her mind.

" Haleema, please open the door, do this for my sake please, she heard her mom's voice making her bite her bottom lips mindless of the metallic texture on it.

" Haleema, please...." She added in broke voice incognizant of what caused the sudden change in her daughter between yesterday night and today, although she wasn't fully recovered, she have never put up an act like this and the mother was multiple times afraid of losing her daughter, the incident of what happened some years back coming to her mind making her bang louder at the door.

" Haleema, open the door" she heard a masculine voice this time around cutting her off guard, she suddenly felt the urge to see him even if it happened to be a quick glance, it have been two days since his last visit without realising that she have been counting his days off.

Her legs getting off the bed while putting on her flip flops as her maxi hand floral gown brushed the surface of the floor,not knowing how she got to the door but she found herself unlocking the door.

Mama quickly engulfed her in a hug as she sniffled which she didn't return back still standing dumbstruck on her track, the hug lasted longer than she wanted it to be waiting patiently to see it end. She've not set her eyes on her daughter since morning what do you expect.

After retrieving from the hug, Fauza entered with a tray of food with no doubt was chaff porridge with the aroma of it overcoming the tensed atmosphere, kicking her mechanoreceptors as a loud grumble echoed the room, what was she thinking locking herself up in the room and depriving herself of food knowing that she can't do without it.

About to turn back, she gave him a side glance not letting herself get consumed by his roguish charms as his chocolate balls bore through her soul making her turn immediately towards her bed. Fauza was already serving the chaff porridge and meatballs into a bowl. What is more precious to her at this stage than a freshly cooked chaff porridge and meat balls, the mere thought of it made her mouth watery looking at the served food on the bowl.

Uncomfortably escaping from his gaze which remained transfixed on her while folding his hand on his well built chest, making her sight before him a sight to behold while gobbling on her food.

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