"...Fine." He slightly lifts his arm, flicking his wrist to the left.

"?!" Both girl's eyes widen in surprise as they feel their bodies fly to the left, being slammed straight through a wall.

Envy flicks his wrist to the left yet again, the walls on the right being blown apart to reveal a hole through the building that leads outside.

"...Come on, girls. Go already." Shiori says, maintaining her seriousness.

"...Alright. Just, be safe." Nerissa gives a short nod in return to Shiori's words before leaving with the rest of Advent through the holes made by Envy.

"...Well, now it's just us, isn't it~?" Shiori turns her attention back to the short girl.

"...No, not really." The shirt girl smirks.

A part of Lui's whip appears beside Envy's neck from behind, trying to wrap itself around his throat, only to be caught in his hand.

"...Annoying..." Lui's voice can be heard from behind, growling from the pain of being thrown through a wall.

"...I don't think you all can beat us... isn't it better to just give up, Laplus~?" Shiori says as she presses her body against Envy from the side.

"...How do you know my name?" Laplus's eyes narrow in newly-found caution.

"...I know a lot of things. I know who every one of you are. I know what you do. I know where you live, but... does that matter now~?"

"...Envy's running out of mana. Then again, it's been that way for a while now. It's why he hasn't really attacked them yet... haah, why do I have to exhaust myself like this?" Shiori thinks to herself, sighing out loud as she closes her eyes.

"...I don't buy it."

"...Do you really think I'm bluffing?" Shiori's lips spread out, her eyes widening in what almost looks like glee at being challenged in a battle of knowledge.

"..." Laplus stares at her, an irritated look on her face as silence fills the air.

"...Fine." She relents.

"HoloX, we're leaving!" She yells out.

"...Huh? Why?!" Chloe's voice can be heard from inside the building.

"Because we're done here!"

"No, bu-..." Lui tries to disagree, only to be denied by Laplus.

"No 'buts'! We're leaving here. Come on."

Laplus turns around to leave.

"...Aww..." Chloe walks out of the building with the samurai girl, seeming completely unharmed.

She looks back at Envy, a dark glint in her eyes.

"...I want to taste your blood... Envy. Let's meet again." She smiles at him in an almost innocent manner.

"..." He lets go of Lui's whip, letting it return to her.

"...This isn't over." Lui says as she walks by, her orange eyes full of shame and anger.

Soon enough, they're all out of sight.

"...That was nice, hm~?" Shiori says as she finally looks up at him, backing away from him slightly.

"...No." Envy keeps looking ahead, a frown on his face.

"...Mm, I don't buy it. Get up against the wall."

"...What?" He finally looks at her.

"...Just do it."

"..." He does as told, leaning back against a wall and prompting Shiori to step closer, just a few centimeters away from their chests touching.

"...You know, I love the way you never stop me from doing what I want... you're so... obedient. I love it, truly."

Shiori grabs the knife in Envy's shoulder, holding it by the handle.

"...You tempt me so much, you know?" Her eyes are wide as they stare into one another.

Without warning, she pulls it out of his flesh, a sickening sound leaving the wound. She drops the weapon to the ground.

"...Don't fuck with me." Envy's voice is full of anger, his eyes jet-black. It's clear he felt it.

"...But those eyes... I love them so much." Shiori moves closer, her eyes wide and unblinking as they stare into each other, running her hands along his chest as she presses him even more against the wall.

"..." He doesn't answer, instead, he just returns the stare.

"...You know, I think I'd like to taste your blood too~" She devilishly smiles.


"...You won't stop me... I know you won't~ You wanna get back 'home' after all~"

Envy's eyes narrow at her words, his frustration rising even more.

The Consequences Of Envy (Hololive Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now