Hiccup sighs

Ari puts his hand on his shoulder and gives him a sign to wait

Stoick: And peace with our dragons. Having said that, let me ask you this Spitelout, when you and I first had Alvin in our sights and everyone was trying to tell us to leave well enough alone, what did we do?

Gobber: Crush them, that's what you did!

Stoick: Thank you Gobber.

Gobber: My pleasure chief. 'Smacks his head'

Stoick: When Valka was taken, and I went in search for her, could anyone have stopped me?

Gobber: Well, technically you're the chief so no.

Stoick: Yes Gobber, fair point, but you know where I'm going. Think of the most important thing in the world to each of you. Ask your selves honestly, how far would you be willing to go to get it, what would you risk. Hiccup's life has been dragons. His life is dragons. And will continue to be. We can't stop him from going if we wanted to. So we might as well support him. Go lad, find whatever it is out there that's pulling on you. And when you find it, Berk will be right here waiting for you. And Ari look after him and find something for yourself too

Ari smirks and nods

Gobber: You best get out of here before all this nostalgia wears off and he changes his mind.

Hiccup and Aronwhistles to thier dragons and run

Stoick: You take care of my boys, dragons

The dragons look back and nod

Then we cut to the rider flying

Hiccup: You ready for this?

Snotlout: Blah, Blah, Blah. Why do you have to make a production out of everything? Let's just go already.

Ari: Yeah I agree with snotlout LETS DO THIS

Hiccup: Okay, but if anyone has any reservations...

Snotlout: Into the great beyond!

Everyone: The great beyond!

Ari: Into the great beyond!

Ari and Sora speed up

Hiccup: Okay, no reservations. Let's go bud.

Scene changes to later. The Riders are still flying.

Snotlout: 'Wearily' Into the great beyond.

Astrid: The great beyond...

The twins: The great beyond...

Fishlegs: The great beyond.

Ari is practically asleep on Sora's back

Hiccup: Oh, come on, you guys. So we had a couple of tough hours. Nothing that's worth anything comes easy.

Tuffnut: Is that one of your riddles. Cause now is not the time my friends, we have to keep saying great beyond. Great Beyond.

Ruffnut: Great beyond.

Hiccup sighs while the twins still say great beyond

Hiccup: Toothless, let's see if anything's out there. 'They do echo location' Nothing.

Starts raining

Astrid: It seems the farther we go in, the worse it gets.

Fishlegs: Hiccup, I think we should turn back. We've been flying for most of the day.

Hiccup: We just have to keep moving forward until we're out of this.

Ari: He's right we've never given up before so let's keep going

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