Snotlout: Thank you, citizen. 'sniffs', Aah!

He runs past ari and Ari grabs him by the collar and shoves him into a water bucket

Snotlout: Ahh.

all grumbling

Hiccup: Okay, good. So where were we?

Astrid: You were about to tell them that they have nothing to worry about,

Ari: and you have everything under control.

They both smirk at each other

Hiccup rolls his eyes but walks forward

Hiccup: All right, people, you have nothing to worry about, and everything is under control.

all shouting

Astrid: That went much better in my head.

Ari: I don't know it kind of went this way in my head

Tuffnut: Yell as loud as you can!, Ha ha, yeah!

With fishlegs

Fishlegs: Hmm. No sign of Berserker boats.

Fishlegs: We should head back and let Hiccup know.


A sea stack falls

Fishlegs screams and runs

and then with a mighty roar

The screaming death emerges

Fishlegs: Uh-oh. That is not good.

Back on Berk

Hiccup picks up his dads axe

Ari is seen on the stairs not thinking about what to say

Gobber: You know, Hiccup, there's nothing easy about chiefing. You should've seen Stoick when he first took over. He was like a newborn yak trying to find his feet.

Hiccup: I find that hard to believe.

Gobber: It's true. In fact, there were some in this town that didn't think he had it in him. Alvin, for one. He wouldn't shut up about it. Hiccup, being chief doesn't mean everyone's going to agree with you. Sometimes you have to deal with the Alvins and Snotlouts of the world.

Hiccup: I feel like that's all I do.

Gobber: They were best friends, you know.

Hiccup: Who?

Gobber: Alvin and Stoick. They were inseparable since birth.

Ari: Seriously that's hard to believe

Hiccup: So what happened? What changed?

Gobber: Everything.

Fishlegs: Hiccup! Ari!

Fishkegs crashes into the house

Fishlegs: Screaming! Coming!

Hiccup: Oh. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Take a breath there, Fishlegs.

Fishlegs: I was on patrol with Meatlug. The Screaming Death... we saw it. It's eating its way... to Berk.

Hiccup: How much time do we have?

Fishlegs: Not much. It was just off Dragon Island when we saw it.

Ari: well that's just great!

Astrid lands with a message

Astrid: This came for you. It's from Dagur.

Hiccup: And the hits just keep on coming.

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