What flies beneath and what rules the land

Start from the beginning

Tuffnut: Now I really want one!

Snotlout: So, how do we deal with this thing?

Stoick: Stand back, everyone!

Stoick arrives riding Thornado who bellows at the intruder.

Stoick: Thornado's got something to say to this beast!

[Thornado roars at the dragon, but it quickly roars back, unaffected.]

Gobber: I don't think it's got its listening ears on.

Astrid: Alright, let's run this thing out of here!

Toothless emerges from the hole and growls to the resident dragons.

Snotlout: What is Toothless doing?!

Astrid: I think he wants us to back off.

Fishlegs: No problem here.

Hiccup: Toothless!

Toothless and the Whispering Death fight. Toothless is unable to get airborne.

Hiccup: Toothless can't fly without me! He's a sitting duck!

Stoick: Gobber, man the catapults, and when that thing is clear of Toothless, Fire!

Hiccup: Dad, wait! Just let me help you, bud.

Hiccup tries to mount Toothless, but Toothless won't let him

Hiccup: What? Toothless, wha-what's wrong?

Astrid: What was that all about?

Hiccup: I have no idea.

Whispering Death injures Toothless with a razor-sharp spine that drives itself into his leg.

Stoick: Gobber!

Gobber launches a boulder at the Whispering Death and it retreats down the hole, carving a new path underground.

Hiccup: Oh, no, you're hurt!

Toothless allows Hiccup to remove the spike from his leg, then runs away.

Hiccup: Toothless, wait!

Astrid: Where's he going?

Snotlout: Probably running away to lick his wounds. 'laughs'

Hiccup: It's not funny! He could've been killed. He can't fly, remember?

Snotlout: And whose fault is that?

Ari: Are you kidding me did you really just go there!

Ari looks ready to draw his sword on the Viking

Snotlout: Hey, I call it like I see it.

Fishlegs: Um, does anyone want to talk about what in the name of Thor just happened?

Tuffnut: Uh, dragon fight? Just another day on Berk.

Fishlegs: Uh, not really. It seemed like there was way more to it than that.

Hiccup: He's right. The Whispering Death singled Toothless out.

Astrid: And Toothless wanted that dragon all to himself.

Hiccup: Yeah, he certainly did. But why?

Tuffnut: Uh, are we going to be tested on this, because I'm completely confused.

Ruffnut Thorston: Well, don't look at me.

Ari: Believe I wish I could tell you

Then a bug roar echoes through the village and something crashes down in front of them

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