Untitled Part 89

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Bella's face swept with pity staring at Juliet's glum face and she place her comforting hand on her shoulder consoling her, Nanny Macy stood frozen by the doors startled staring at Bella and Juliet embracing each other sweetly and in a cold morning she approached her in her bedroom while she was having breakfast.

"I have noticed you and Juliet are beginning to get along...," and she stared at Bella's face in curiousness, "Don't you hate Juliet anymore?" She raised her brows and looked deeply into Bella's eyes to hear her response expecting her response to be, 'yes I do' and her eyes grew wide in startlement when her response was, 'no'


Bella stood by her window staring outside at the neon-blue sky.

"I have always hate aunt Juliet because I thought of her as a villain and cause she makes my mum unhappy and tries to tear her and Dad apart from each other but, I never considered how she feels, what she went through, i have always judged her, " Bella turn from the window to face Macy and she slowly walk toward her, "Nanny, maybe Aunt Juliet is not a bad person afterall."

Macy's face immediately turned sour and she was glaring at her, "she is a bad person!" She shouted with a lot of rage, "in fact, she is pure evil. That woman is slithery like a python, she is the reason why your Dad and Mum are always fighting. Have you forgotten she seduced your father and persuade him to kick your mum out of this mansion? How you pleaded for him to kick Juliet out but he turned deaf ears?"

"Yes, yes I'm aware of all the horrible things she has done to us. But, we have always judged her, despite all she's done, she's still mummy's sister."

"Why do you keep defending that witch?"

"Nanny, she saved my life when I was all alone and scared. I felt so alone but then she showed up and rescued me from those goons. I owe my life to her, and I don't think I can still hate her. I think she is so unhappy and unlucky. She lost her daughter and she has no one else in her life, she is all alone and unhappy. What if we stop despising her, and let bygones be bygones."

"Let bygones be bygones?" Macy sneered, "how can you easily forgive that witch? Just her prescence alone makes me puke. Have you forgotten all your mum has been through because of her? Just because she saved your life, that doesn't erase all the bad deeds she's done to this family." Macy said firmly.

In the cool rainy night, Bella was laying in her huge bed and Juliet walked in. Listening to her footsteps, Bella sits up to look at her, and she sees her approaching grasping a mug of hot coffee. Juliet hand to her the coffee and Bella grab the cup sipping it through pursed lips and she sighed, "gosh, it's really hot."

"I know dear. I know that you might be cold because of the really cool weather that's why I made it really hot, " she grinned at her, "for you."

Bella's face glowed with a bright smile, "thank you for the coffee." A blustery whirl wind flow into the room through the windows and was blowing hard against Bella's body, Bella twitch discomfortable, Juliet notices her shaking and she quickly shut the windows firmly and drape her with her huge coat, "put this on, it will keep you warm."

"Thank you. You make me coffee now you're also giving me your coat."

"No, no, you don't have to thank me."

"I know I have to. I know that you are not obligated to me, and you have other important things to do, and still you're here looking after me. Before you came into my life, it was always my mama Mia looking after me, she always serves me my meals, and she protects me from the cold, " tears were starting to surge in Bella's eyes, "I just pray she recovers quickly from her coma so that we can be together again."

Juliet place her comforting hand on her shoulder, "I'm here if you need me. I'll always be here until your mama recovers."

"I used to think that you hate me too, and you couldn't stand me. What made you change?"

"Whenever I'm with you, I feel like a mum again. Taking care of you, makes me feel happy because I couldn't for my daughter so anytime I see the opportunity to look after you, I do it with all pleasure even though I did not like your mama. My friend Brad was right, I shouldn't include you with my feud with my sister. I wish I wasn't so mean towards you, I wasted the opportunity I had with you to be close to you."

"Thanks, " Bella grabs her hand lovingly, "for offering to be there for me." She pull her into a warm hug.

It was a bright cold morning the subsequent day. The sunlight streaking from the windows poured directly on Bella's face causing her to stir and she suddenly open her eyes waking and yawning loudly. She monetarily glanced at Juliet's coat on her body, and an image of her and Juliet hugging flash through her mind and her lips curl into a smile. She started hearing a rumbling noise it was piercing into her ears making her feel restless and she raised herself to a sitting position and glance around her room. She gasp awestruck looking at Jay standing in the middle of her room. He was holding a plate of beefburgers, he has already gulp a huge bite from the burger, his mouth was puffed like a balloon.

"What the..?"

She roll her blankets off her body, and edge slowly from her bed. "What are you doing in my room Jay? It's 8:00am, my gosh!" She sighs angrily folding her arms, "how long have you even been here watching me?"

"Take it easy babe, I just stepped in and by the way your shorts looks really short and cute." He was staring down at her bare voluptuous hips feeling slightly amused and Bella grasp a pillow and flings it at him, "hey?" and he snorted into a laughter.

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