Night At the Bar II

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Soon as the doors open, Sophia and Jansen landed on the huge bed in front of them taking off each other's clothes.

Sophia's skin felt so tender and smooth as he stroke her body while they lay together. She wrapped her arms all around him tightly while he was kissing her with so much passion. Each caresses felt like he was with Juliet instead, and he shut his eyes reflecting on images of her in his arms, he thought of her smell which is like sweet candy, and the taste of her rosy lips.

Tears rolled from his eyes thinking of her words in her note. He wished to be with Juliet at this moment, he felt so sober, and he grabbed Sophia firmly in his arms hugging her, and whispering into her ears, "I love you...I love you so much." Tears fell from his eyes landing on her neck.

Sophia was stunned to hear him utter those words, her ex-boyfriend, Rick never truly loved her, it demoralized her, and she was glad to hear those words from Jansen. Tears escaped her eyes, that at last, she has found a man who loves her. She grabbed Jansen's face, and stared deeply into his eyes, and said to him, "I love you too... So much."

Jansen saw how excited she seemed, and he tried to tell her he did not mean her, but he loves Juliet instead, he was still quite drunk. Before he could speak, Sophia quickly pressed her mouth onto his kissing him affectionately and draping her arms around him.

It was 10:59pm. Mia was standing by her window in her bedroom folding her arms deeply thinking about Jansen who is her husband, and will soon be her ex. She was so distracted and sad by her thoughts, she did not hear Nanny Macy's footsteps approaching her and when she touched her arm, she shook feeling startled.

"Nanny." She sighed.

"Are you crying?" Macy noticed a stream of tears on her cheeks. Mia tried to hide the tears but it was already too late, Macy has seen them.
"Are you okay?"

Mia quietly walked from the window, and she crouched on the bed.

"Nanny, he's gonna leave me." Mia looked up at Macy with a swell of tears rising in her eyes, and Macy kneaded her wet cheeks, "who is gonna leave you?"

"I wasn't able to bear the pain when Jansen was having an affair with my sister, how will I be able to cope with the pain of losing him for good now we are getting divorced? It means I won't see him anymore, or kiss him, hold him in my arms ever again, or sleep besides him."

"I know it hurts being away from the man you love, or watching him being with someone else but, that's life."

"Why is life so unfair to me? Why take Jansen from me? I did everything I could to keep him with me, to stay away from Juliet but he still leaves me though I'm his legal wife. Doesn't he care about me?"

"Maybe you two are not really meant to be together."

"Yes we are!" Mia roared angrily, "if it weren't for my slut of a sister who seduced my husband, he will still be in love with me, we will still be a happy family. Which is why I can never forgive her." Mia gritted her teeth, and clenched her fists very firmly her nails dug into her flesh.

It breathed a frenzied morning the subsequent day. A ray of the sunlight was pouring on Sophia's face through the windows, and she woke. Her face split into a broad smile finding Jansen's arms wrapped around her, and she turned staring at him.

Jansen's eyes gradually opened, he was waking. He looked down and was worried and stunned to find himself completely nude. When he turned and looked besides him, he saw Sophia and he noticed her grinning at him. He was taken aback for a second wondering who she was, or if he had met her? And his mind quickly reflect on last night, they drinking glasses of wine together, and her introducing herself to him as Sophia.

"Sophia?" He sighed raising himself to a sitting position.

"Yea sweetie?" She sat up wrapping her arm around him and stroking his very hard smooth chest.

Jansen immediately started thinking of Juliet, and he wanted to be beside her, he pulled Sophia's arm off him and when he tried springing from the bed, Sophia grabbed him from behind pulling him back into the bed and she leaned her body against his. "Where are you going babe?"

"Babe?" He turned facing her.

"Yea, we are a couple now, aren't we?"

"What?" Jansen panicked, "a couple? What couple?"

"What do you mean what couple? You kept saying to me throughout the night that you love me, and you also fought with those thugs who tried hurting me. So, why not?"

"Well no, I do not love you!" He fired at her, "I do not want you either, and by the way, what we had was just sex and nothing else."

Rage thrummed through Sophia's veins, "what!" She flung a harsh slap across his face, "what we had was just sex to you? What am I? A tramp? I gave you my body cause I believed that you love me, but you were just with me for fun. How dare you?"

"Look here Sophia, I do not love you, you are to me just a complete stranger and what we had meant nothing to me. Besides, I was just drunk, I never meant any of the words I said to you cause I can never love you since my heart belongs to someone else."

Sophia felt a sharp pain in her chest listening to his words. It felt like she was being suffocated, she felt a lump in her throat. Each word felt unbearable for her she could not fight back the tears in her eyes, and she looked at Jansen with a lot of rage.

"Sophia, whoever you are, I did not mean to have sex with you, I was not even myself the entire night. So don't think just because of that, we can ever be a couple you got that?"

"You bastard." She gritted her teeth in frustration clenching her fists so tightly.

"I gotta go." He rose from the bed, and Sophia quickly picked up a knife on her table beside her wishing to stab him but seeing him already so far from her, it was pointless.
Jansen was fastening his pants, and wearing his shirt. He grabbed his wristwatch, and was almost approaching the doors to exit the room, when Sophia howled, "I don't ever wanna set my eyes on you Jansen. Just go away! Just get lost!"

"Of course I will." He walked away.
Soon as he left, Sophia exploded out of rage flipping the chairs and table, and she threw a vase off the table it cracked horribly shattering on the floor.

"All this time I thought Jansen loves me. He only used me to get me to bed. Darn it! I've been fooled again by a man. I'm sick and tired of men fooling me, using me and abandoning me in the end like garbage. I won't let you go easily Jansen for damaging my heart, I never opened my heart to anyone like I did with you. I thought you are different from the rest, but you men are all the same. You are gonna pay Jansen for making a fool of me, you will pay with your life." She said firmly.

Thanks readers for reading this episode, I hope you love it! Please vote!!!❤️ You my readers.

The Mistress and The Legal WifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora