Discovery Untitled Part 12

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The windows clapped as the torrent of the firm breeze blew against them. The wind shrilled noisily. The wind snuggled Mia Mark noticed her arms twitching, he pulled his jacket off him and he wore it on her. It felt tender and fluffy.

"Feeling okay?" Mark looked into her eyes and she looked deeply into his. She was mum.

It was 12:06 in the blustery afternoon. Juliet arrived Mia's mansion she has been feeling anxious about her health and since Mia has not been replying her texts or picking her calls she wanted to pay her a visit.

Jansen paced anxiously in his bedroom dialling Mia's number and he angrily hurled his phone at the wall as her number was unreachable. He felt frustrated as he has been dialling her number severally and it's unreachable. He refused to have breakfast or lunch as he was anxious wondering where Mia might be. He specked a portrait of Mia drooping on the wall and an idea floated in his mind. He yanked his phone from his jacket and he dialled his friend, Robbie.

Robbie picked the call, "what's up Jansen?"

"I don't know where Mia is. No one knows where she is. Could you join me so we can go around the streets looking for her? It is strange she is not picking my calls and she always attend to Isabella. Her disappearance is frightening me."

"Do not panick bro. Do not worry we will look for Mia."

Jansen's lips curled into a smile, "thanks." He hung up.

Juliet approached the entrances to the living room of Mia's mansion she wore an orange gown which flows to her knees, a pair of orange heels and applied light make up on her face.

Juliet stepped inside the living room. She glanced at the chandeliers dangling in the glossy ceiling glistening the room. She glanced at the glossy walls and glossy staircase grinning from ear to ear.

Juliet opened her handbag widely and was almost pulling her phone out to dial Mia's number to inform her that she is in her mansion and she hesitated glancing at photographs of Mia and Jansen drooping on the wall. The photographs were hung at quite a far distance from where she stood, she couldn't clearly see their faces and she approached the wall.

Juliet glanced at the photographs. Her eyes widened in surprise seeing Jansen in the photo. "Jansen?" She stood agape. She sniffed and pulled the photograph off the wall and stared at it closely, "this is Jansen."

She glanced to her left and specked a huge portrait of Mia, Jansen and Isabella hanging high up on the wall. Her hands trembled, "Jansen is married? And to my sister too?" Tears escaped her eyes and her hands trembled, the photograph slipped off her hands.

She shook her head dramatically, "no, this is not true. Jansen is not married. He is not married. And not to my sister no way." She shouted.

Juliet's cheeks reddened in rage, she clenched her fists, "Jansen's gonna pay for making a fool out of me." She sniffed, grabbed her handbag and stormed out of the room.


Robbie and Jansen drove in the street of Jansen's villa. Jansen paused driving and he stepped down from the car with Robbie they were clasping a poster with Mia's picture printed on it. Jansen and Robbie swerved from the car and approached some pedestrians pointing the poster to them requesting if they have seen Mia. They shook their head and shrugged their shoulders and walked past them.

Jansen sighed, the sun was getting uncomfortably hot Jansen was getting dehydrated. He patted Robbie on his arm, "come on buddy let's keep asking."

Robbie walked behind him as he trekked up the road. Jansen glanced at a tall tubby man approaching, he looked at his face closely and he felt that it is familiar he approached him.

"Wait up sir."

The man paused and he turned to him, "what's up?"

Jansen handed to him the poster, the man clasped it and stared at Mia's picture.

"Have you seen that lady?"

"Yea...I think I've seen her."

"You have?" Jansen's eyes expanded astonished and excited. He stared intently at him.

The tubby man nodded, "yesterday afternoon a well-built goon smacked her on her jowl, he pulled her to his car and sped off as fast as lightning."

Jansen panicked, he furiously jerked the tubby man's shirt and screamed at his face, "tell me where he is! Tell me who took her. Did you see the goon's plate number?"

The man felt nervous seeing intense rage burning in his eyes, Jansen screamed authoritatively like a cop, "tell me who he is! Show him to me!"

Robbie tapped Jansen. Jansen shook and turned facing him. "Take it easy bro you're scaring him. Try to relax."

Jansen swerved from the man, the man quickly took to his heels.

"How do you expect me to take it easy? How can you ask me to relax? Mia is missing and she is kidnapped and is in custody of a lunatic. Mia is ill she cannot stand torture. She must not be stressed. Nothing should happen to her."

"Again, relax. How are you 99.9 percent sure what that man was saying is correct? It's not up to 24 hrs Mia is missing. She may be at a salon."

"Mia do not stay out of home that long and she do not ignore my calls. I will not tolerate it should anything happen to her. She better be safe." Jansen clenched his fists firmly.


It was four in the luminous afternoon. Jansen was forlorn he drove towards Juliet's apartment. Juliet listened to the door bell ringing she has been weeping in her sofa and cuddling the pillows. She quickly guessed it to be Jansen by the door and she stormed to the door in a fit of rage.

Juliet pulled the door open. Jansen attempted to step in and she hurled a tight slap on his right jowl Jansen stroked his cheek in astonishment, "is everything alright?"

"I wanna slap you one more time but a thousand slaps is not gonna be as painful as the wound you have inflicted in me!" Juliet yelled.

"What're you talking about?" Jansen raised his brows, his face was puzzled.

"When I first met you at the club, I asked you if you were single or married and you told me that you aren't married. How dare you lied to my face and made a total fool of me? You let me fall for you and you let us have an affair when you know you are married and to my sister Mia." Juliet's voice cracked as she spoke.

Jansen shivered feeling stunned, "Mia? Your sister Mia?" His heart drummed fast and tears were forming in them, "is her surname Leonardo?"

"So you are admitting that you are married, " tears escaped Juliet's eyes, "so I'm right"

"Let's talk about this." Jansen attempted to hold her arm she pulled her arm backwards, "don't you dare touch me." She hurled a slap on his cheek Jansen gnashed his jaw in anger.

"You are despicable and I'm despicable too. I was not supposed to fall for you or have any affair with you since you and Mia share a sacred bond!" Juliet screeched, "how dare you make me your mistress? I have never envisioned this kind of relationship with any man. I always believed and felt happy thinking you were mine and I won't share you with anyone cause I thought you love me but the jokes on me. Turns out you were never mine to begin with and I can't ever have you."

"Juliet I love you. I know I lied I was going to tell you the truth a long time ago but I couldn't in fear of losing you. When I saw you almost falling from that cliff I could no longer tolerate the idea of losing you cause I am falling for you."

"Falling for me? Do you expect me to believe that? You betrayed your wife and made a fool out of me. Who hurts the one he claims to love? I do not care if you are lying or being honest cause irregardless of our feelings, we can't be together." Juliet sniffed and kneaded her jowls. She stepped inside and slammed the door at his face.

Jansen sighed, "what have I done?" He attempted thumping Juliet's door, he still had more to say to her he swerved from the door approaching his car.

Juliet sat quietly on the floor, she crossed her arms on her chest whimpering. "No, this can't be happening." She screamed, "Jansen is a jerk." She clenched her fists.

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