A night at the bar II

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"Give me a shot of tequilla!" Bella screamed at the bar tender and she lean her face on her table falling asleep. She had already downed several glasses of wine and she was tipsy. The shrilling pitch of the wine as the bar tender pours it into her glasscup, pierced her ears and she woke up. She grasped the glasscup and drew a long sip.

An image of Jansen and Juliet kissing each other suddenly flashed through her mind as she glances at a couple across the room kissing and she felt a stab of pain in her chest and she tried to fight back the tears on her face but she couldn't, "why dad? Why?"

Bella rose up from her seat and clutched her handbag. She did not want to stare at the couple any longer who were now cuddling. Glancing at the lady's arms draped around her boyfriend, Bella felt reminded of Juliet's arms wrapping Jansen's and his face leaning against hers as they were kissing.

Bella tried to walk from her seat, but she was staggering like someone who would collapse. She could barely walk she felt a surge of dizziness in her veins. She was not properly looking her way and she bumped against a young boy who was walking in her direction. She felt herself falling on him, he tried to grab her arms to pull her from him but her weight crushed him and he fell on the glossy floor with her laying on top of him. His arms were slightly huge she rested in his arms comfortably as if lying on a bunch of pillows.

"Hey." He tapped her on her arm and she slightly woke up, her eyes were partly opened and she only glimpsed his round nose and purple lips and lay her head back on his chest and closed her eyes completely to fall asleep.

"Oh my God!" He grabbed her arms pulling her up and he glanced at her face, her eyes were still closed she was already sleeping. Jay was his name, and he owns a modelling agency in Las Vegas. Staring at Bella's gorgeous rosy cheeks, he felt mesmerized! She would be a perfect model for his company he thought. He yanked his phone from his jacket and clicked on the camera taking photos of her face.

Jay was felt like peeing he wanted to hurry to the washroom and he slowly pulled Bella off him to the floor. She lay like a leaf on the floor.

"I'll be right back señorita." He whispered to her ear hoping she may listen while asleep and he edged away from her and stepped out of the bar room approaching the washroom.

Two young men who crouched at the back of the room, spotted Bella on the floor. They were smoking cigarettes and downing liquor, and the one with red hair said to his friend, "hey have a look." His eyes seemed to be gesturing something and his friend turned and glanced at Bella and he grinned from ear to ear, "ooh, she's hot." He ogled Bella's skin which was white as snow.

"Yea let's take her with us. Let's bring her in our car and spend the whole night with her in our beds." He piped his cigarette and a fag crawled out floating in the air.

"Yea let's get her." His friend replied and mopped his lips with his tongue. They rose up from their seat and started to Bella. The red-haired one grabbed Bella in his arms and pulled her off the floor and turned to the doors. Together, they walked out of the bar room approaching their red Volkswagen golf vehicle in the parking lot.


11:49pm. Mia was driving on the highway in the heavy rain. She has been driving in circles to places Bella could have wandered to. She even drove to a Chinese restaurant where Bella frequents most of the time, but when she arrived, the restaurant was closed. The gate was sealed with taut bars that no one can get in.

"Where are you Bella?" Tears rose in Mia's eyes while she was clapsing the steering wheel driving on the road. The rain is incessant. The sultry wind begins violently tossing the rain about, walls of raindrops falling toward the earth are rounded up and slung hard, walloping and enveloping Mia's car she struggled to glance at the road through the hard rain a huge lorry was driving on full speed approaching her direction.

Mia could barely see the lorry, however the lorry was blaring it's horn but the squeaky noise was deafened by the barking rain.

Mia spots the lorry as it was getting closer to her car. It was being driven rashly. Mia feared a collision and she hurriedly coiled the steering wheel to swerve her car to the left.

Mia's heart raced fast as her car was refusing to swerve. She could not control the brakes. Her car was moving unsteadily. Mia repeatedly stepped on the brake and still the car wouldn't stop driving or slow down.

Her heart skipped staring at the lorry now very close to her car, she pulled her hands off the steering wheel in panick and screamed.

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