Untitled Part 58

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"So it has been a long time dad and aunt Juliet's affair has been happening? If it has then, who is the father of aunt Juliet's baby who died cause she never got married so who was the father of baby Lisa? Don't tell me dad is the father." Bella clamped her fists firmly.

Mia noticed Bella's hands shivering, and her cheeks turning pale. She wanted to tell her about Jansen and Juliet's affair and that, Jansen is the father of baby Lisa but held her tongue when she noticed how dreary and swollen Bella's eyes have become from crying too much. A memory of Jansen pulling Juliet into a hug and smooching her lips tenderly raced through her mind, and she tried to fight back the tears in her eyes but failed miserably.

Bella was starting to feel restive by Mia's silence. Her lips were faltering.

"Mum, tell me the truth. Is baby Lisa dad's daughter with aunt Juliet?"

Mia placed her comforting hand on Juliet's arm and she shook her head, "no it isn't the truth baby. I lied, your dad and aunt Juliet are not having any affair. What you saw was not what was truly happening. Don't think that your daddy is having an affair with Juliet.",

"You're lying!" Bella said firmly and she sprang from the bed. She walked a few steps from Mia and she folded her arms on her chest. Mia walked toward her, "Bella believe me your dad and aunt Juliet aren't having an affair."

Bella turned facing Mia casting a scowl at her, "no, you're lying mama. Do you know how I know you are? Because I can see so much sadness in your eyes, and you look so sad mama cause dad and aunt Juliet are actually having an affair. Why did you try to cover up for dad? How could you cover up for him? Do you like what he's done to you?"

"Your dad may be having an affair with your aunt but, I am his legal wife. I am more important than her, she's just a mistress. Don't let her matter, don't let it bother you. Your dad still belongs to us not her."

"But mama it is still not right what aunt Juliet is doing to us. Aren't we a family? Why will she wanna hurt us? Why do she wanna take dad from us? How could you stand what dad and her did that you can even cover up for his actions?"

"I do not stand it!" Mia fired back, "I cannot stand the hurt and pain! It hurts so bad that he cheated on me with her, it kills me to know that he still feels attracted to her even though he has me. When I see the way he looks at her, smiles at her, I go crazy and I feel so bad but I cannot bear to lose him or let Juliet have the chance to have him. I feel so tired Bella, I've had enough of everything. Sometimes, I feel like I'm wasting my time fighting for him cause each time I do, he proves to me how much he still likes Juliet." Mia's voice cracked as she spoke, she suddenly felt dizziness surging through her veins and she leaned backwards and nearly dropped on the floor. Bella immediately ran toward her, grabbed her and pulled her gently to the bed.

Bella made her lie gently on the bed, "mama, it's enough. I don't wanna see you crying." Bella pulled her into a hug and she patted her lovingly on her back.

"Don't feel bad for me. Jansen is still mine and I'm not letting him go to be with her." Mia gnarled her teeth.

"Mum, I am sorry you had to endure a lot from dad and aunt Juliet. Why didn't you tell me about it? About their affair? Why didn't you let me comfort you those nights you cried? You deprived me the opportunities to make you feel happy when dad and aunt Juliet were hurting you. Now I feel so bad that I was never there for you. You always realized when I am hungry or sick or even when I have a slight bruise, but I never noticed how sad you were. I don't deserve to be your daughter, I couldn't do anything for you. You were all alone even when you had me."

"Hush Bella, " Mia kneaded her jowls, "it's not your fault."

"But I wasn't there for you. I wish I knew, maybe I would have paid your more attention than to my books and games."

"If there is anyone who should feel bad, it's not you and she's gonna pay dearly for her actions." Mia clamped her fists.

Brad was nursing a cup of hot coffee in the sitting room, 6:45 in the evening when he heard an echo of Juliet's heels clacking on the floor and he turned and glanced at Juliet approaching. She threw her handbag at the sofa and dropped on the couch grinning from ear to ear and she clasped a glass of soda and gulped a sip.

"Why do you look so happy?"

"Things are starting to fall according to plan. I'm slowly gonna take Jansen back. I cannot wait to see Mia miserable just the way I was miserable when she ruined my whole life. I'm gonna have justice for Hailey and my dear daughter Lisa."

Brad let out a sigh, "dear God! Have you thought about how your actions are gonna affect Jansen and Mia's daughter? You are going to tear her life her apart too. You lost your best friend and child you should know how painful and agonizing it feels losing a family. Bella could get hurt badly."

"Do you think I give a damn?" Juliet barked and rose to her feet casting a scowl at Brad, "Mia did not show me any mercy when she was making my life hell. My daughter wasn't spared from her wrath, she was so little, innocent and weak yet, Mia did not think twice killing her so why should I even worry about Bella? She can suffer from the anguish of my revenge for all I care! If she is having a hard time, it is because of Mia. It's her fault we have gotten to this point. No one deserves pity or mercy not even Jansen." Juliet clenched her fists so hard her nails dug into her skin.

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