Divorce Jansen!

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"Why are you anxious about Mia getting hurt? She embarrassed you at your own party. You have lose your face because of what she's done. It's not your fault you dated Jansen. You didn't know he's married. What she did is not okay." Hailey furrowed her brows.

"It's what I've done that's not okay. She had the right to hurt me cause even if I had no idea Jansen is her husband, I was his mistress. She's so mad because of how bad I have hurt her. Mia is really hurt by me."

"She still shouldn't have disgraced you." Hailey stroked her cheek.

"I don't care how mad Mia is I can't forgive myself that I'm the reason she got hurt. I don't care that she ruined my party, I just wanna make up for the hell she felt because of me, because Jansen dated me. Can't you see she's broken because of me? I deeply hurt her." Juliet cuddled her pillow on her sofa and she sniffed and knead her cheeks.


It breathed a frenzied dawning. Mia curved her head to the side peeking outside the window. The cool subtle breeze flowed in nudging the curtains gently. Rays of the sunlight streaked into the ward through the glass windows.

She heard the door hissing and she looked at the doors noticing Mark ambling through the doors in a pair of brown pants and red jacket. She specked a bouquet of luminous red flowers in his grip. It was wrapped with a glowingly blue leather. Mia's lips curled into a smile.

Mark waddled towards her and he pecked her on her left jowl, "Good morning." He grinned from ear to ear.

"How are you doing Mark?"

Mark let out a chuckle, "I should be the one asking you that. How are you doing?"

"Heavy.., " tears exited Mia's eyes, "it feels so heavy I feel I might collapse. I still wanna live because of my girl."

Jansen approached Mia's ward. He knocked on the door softly and he paused glancing at Mark standing besides Mia and his brows creased.

"Why don't you divorce Jansen and just move on? That way, you will stop thinking about all he's done and you'll feel the pain less. Just focus on living." Mark stroked Mia's cheek looking into her eyes.

Jansen stormed in in a fit of rage and he shoved Mark, Mark moved unsteadily and he leaned on a chair for support. Jansen ambled to him, he clasped his shirt and pulled him closer to him, "stay away from me and my wife you got that? You have no business meddling in our affairs." He pulled his hands off his shirt.

Mark's face contorted in anger, "I don't have to do anything cause your marriage with Mia is gonna be dissolved. Despite all you've done to her you have the audacity to still want her? Mia ask this jerk to get out of your room."

Mia sighed and she was jittery. She was hesitating to speak.

Mark felt stunned staring at how calm Mia is, he screeched, "oh I see. You are back with him. It's no wonder he is so proud. Mia I thought you were sensible, I thought you were planning revenge. Is this part of your revenge to forgive him? If he could hurt you, he can do it again."

"Hey that's enough! I love Mia and our marriage do not concerns you." Jansen said authoritatively.

"Hey Jansen don't you yell at Mark. He's a more responsible person than you've been. Unlike you, he is not a liar and he has been honest with me and when I say honest, I mean, he do not fake his kindness or his love."

Jansen sighed.

"Please excuse us."

"Fine. I'll be waiting outside." Jansen stepped outside and he gently shut the door.

Mark advanced to Mia, "Mia tell me you were only joking when you hinted that you won't disengage from him. Tell me that it's only a part of your plan and it's not real. That you aren't going to be with him anymore." Tears welled up in His eyes.

"I'm thinking of giving him a second chance. We have a daughter."

"Seriously?" Mark exclaimed awestruck.

"Jansen only had an affair cause my devious b*tch of a sister seduced him but he loves me. He only recognizes me and Isabella in his life and not Juliet." Mia argued.

"How can you easily forgive him?" Mark screamed at her face and he hurled the bouquet at the floor, "that jerk disrespected you, he disregarded the fact you are sick and you're just gonna let what he's done slide? I watched you, I saw you getting miserable, you were so fragile. You cried many times, heck you passed out on a street. Had I not been there to rescue you, you would've gotten into more serious danger and you just forgive him?"

"What if Jansen shows repentance? It is Juliet, if she didn't seduce him, he won't break his promises to me. We were so happy together."

Mark sighed, "are you just looking for a good reason to excuse his disloyalty? I thought you said you hated him, I thought you said you wanna make him regret hurting you? If he could easily cheat and fool you in your ill condition, he can do it again even though you get better. If he managed to make a fool of you what makes you think he's not doing it again? Aren't you fed up of being hurt? Being made a fool? Made stupid?"

Mia said firmly, "Jansen rues his actions, he has apologized. He realizes his mistakes and he's not gonna cheat on me with Juliet."

"I know it's difficult, I know it's frustrating to open your eyes to see reality but being stupid and a fool, is the most miserable."

Tears prickled Mia's eyes, her eyes quivered, "stop it just stop. You don't know anything."

Mark stroke her cheek and looked into her eyes, "I thought you wanna move on, I was pleased you are moving on atleast you owed yourself the right to be happy and to be respected. Little wonder why he couldn't respect you. I hope you take care." He pecked her on her cheek and she sighed as tears shredded on her jowls. Her hands trembled.

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