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In a cold breezy winter morning, Mia was nursing her cup of tea in her bedroom when some footsteps echoed loudly, and she strut staring at the door peeking to see who that was. She had a feeling it is probably Jansen, and has come to grab his suitcases, and bags. Earlier at morning, when Mia opened the wardrobes, she was shocked to find all of Jansen's stuffs all disappeared. When he said he was going to leave her, she did not expect he will so quickly. She almost cried but fought back the tears.

Mia looked at Jansen as he approaches her in his green jacket and black pants and the thought of Jansen leaving her for good hits her hard. She cried knowing he was coming close to her to say his goodbyes.

"Here, to pack your luggage?"

"Take it!" He handed to her a huge brown envelope, and she grabbed it.

"I have signed the divorce papers."

Mia's heart suddenly stopped, and her hands were shaking on the paper startled realising the paper in her hands are their divorce papers.

"Now I set you free, free to be happy Mia." He spoke to her with a soft voice.

"You are setting me free?" She roared angrily, "or it's the other way around? You are setting yourself free so you can freely be with that slut Juliet. Admit it. You are not letting me go cause you care about me or love me, you are doing this all for Juliet so do not try to deceive me that you are doing this for my sake."

"No Mia, I did this for you. For your sake cause I don't think I'll be able to stand the pain if something happens to you again all because of me. I don't wanna see you in any danger, I am divorcing you to protect you."

Mia reached for his hands, and she held them affectionately, "if you truly care about me like you say you do, I'll give you one last chance to prove it. Stay with me."

She stared into his eyes eagerly hoping he was going to say yes, but rather he shook his head in refusal, "no, I can't. I am not in love with you, I love Juliet and that will never change."

Mia suddenly felt a stifling lump in her throat hearing him say those words and she spoke to him with a cracking voice amidst tears, "are you saying she is more important than me your legal wife?"

"Not anymore, we are no longer a couple."

Ouch!!! It really hurts. I guess I quickly forgot we are not a couple anylonger. He did not have to remind me. She sighed.

"Take this." He handed to her a tiny black bag, and she stared at it bewildered wondering what it was, and when she opened it, she was unable to control tears from gushing from her eyes seeing Jansen's wedding ring in the bag.

"Are you returning the ring to me?"

He nodded in reply, "since I am no longer yours. I know even if I am gone, you will be a really good parent to our daughter."

"You and I can be good parents to her together. Just don't go, don't leave me please I love you. I love you so much Jansen don't go." She spoke with a pleading voice.

"I will leave now but, I promise that I'm going to be back for you and our daughter. I just have to find Juliet first, to reunite with her. Remember in the past, you tore us apart, and we failed to be together. Now, I'm not gonna let her go until we be together."

Rage flooded Mia's veins, she scrubbed her red pale face wiping her tears and she said firmly, "if you are going back to Juliet, don't ever come back here or to see your daughter. I don't wanna see you, I never wanna see you."

"I will come back for you. I already told you so." He pecked her on her cheek, and pulled her into a hug. She was feeling so comfortable in his arms, she wrapped her arms around him.

Jansen clutched his suitcase, and wore his bag, and he turned from her approaching the exit. Mia felt a stab of pain in her chest watching him leaving, and when he finally disappeared from her sight, she howled in grief, "nooo...my husband has left me. He is gone. He is gone."

She thought of approaching him and pulling him back into the house, but when she glimpsed through her windows, she saw his car already driving out of the house. Her hands shivered and her body immediately turned cold.

Sophia's living room is extremely large, and the chandeliers dangling in the ceiling was glittering the entire room. She sat on a huge sofa clasping a glass of red wine seething in rage. She has a vast collection of wine, and the bottle of Tequila was her favorite.

A tall broad shouldered man clad in orange sleeves and black pants was stepping into the room from the stairs. He was Steve, her brother. Steve became paranoid seeing her sipped a couple of bottles of wine, he was anxious because Sophia always become weak and dizzy when she drinks too much liquor.

He tried to scold her, he was almost yelling at her when he suddenly became calm staring at her sullen and swollen eyes and he sensed that she has been weeping.

"Are you okay Sophia?"

"Am I okay? I wish I am."

"Still thinking about that jerk?"

"This is the third time I'm getting fooled, used and dumped by men. What do these men take me for? A fool? An idiot? Someone they can manipulate and cannot fight back? They all think I'm weak since I'm a woman. But not anymore will I let them get away with breaking my heart to pieces. Not anymore." She gritted her teeth clenching her fists very firmly.

"So, what are you then going to do to make these men pay."

"Jansen told me he does not love me, he left me there all alone like I'm garbage, and he told me I only mattered to him because of the sex. Of all the men who has crushed me, Jansen is the one who has hurt me deeply. He rejected me as if I am a dustbin, he showed me no mercy. What I want is for him to no longer exist that way, I won't be reminded of the pain of his rejection."

"I will do anything for you Sis so you can recover from this sadness you're stuck in."

"I want you to get rid of Jansen. Do all you can to kill him, find him, and eliminate him from the surface of the earth. I don't want him to be happy, and to go on living after wrecking me. Make him pay brother, promise me."

Steve held her hands firmly and he nodded, "I promise."

It was 2:05 in the radiant hot afternoon. Jansen stood outside a huge glamorous shopping mall, and when he saw a blonde lady in an orange dress stepping out, he hurried over to her. She was Lily Anderson Juliet's close friend. Jansen was hoping to find out where Juliet was from her but she pushed him away ignoring him. Jansen still ran after her.

"Please Lily, tell me where to find Juliet."

A heavily bodied man had been watching them, he felt like he was harassing her, he noticed him constantly grabbing her arm and stopping her from walking away, and he sensed Lily was in trouble, he thought of coming to her rescue, he approached Jansen smacking him so hard at the back of his head with an iron rod.

Jansen instantly felt a sharp pain in his brain, also, blood was steaming down his head, he felt so dizzy, the world around him seemed to be unsteady, spinning and very shaky, and he weakly fell on the floor passing out.

The Mistress and The Legal WifeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu