Untitled Part 7

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Mia rolled on her bed, a soft rumbling noise hummed in her ears and she unhurriedly opened her eyes she noticed a gleaming radiance in her room. The windows were large, they were allowing natural light to enter the room. Mia sat up and she yawned audibly she listened to the birds chirping noisily and she realizes that it is already dawn. She flipped her blanket off her and she attempted to step down from the bed she halted feeling stunned seeing Jansen standing by the door. He was clasping a small tray with a cup of black coffee sitting on it, he stared at Mia and he grinned from ear to ear.

Juliet awakens, she could not feel Jansen's arm around her she panicked and swerved glancing at the left side of the bed. It was utterly empty she glanced around the bed and neither of his clothes or shoes were in the room.

"Jansen!" She screeched sitting up. She did not hear any response and she attempted to rise from the bed she paused spotting a small pile of baked bread with fried eggs in between them lying on a tray and a cup of milk tea was placed besides it on a glass table beside the bed. A red rose wrapped in a flashy leather lied beside the tray. Juliet sprang to her to her feet and she approached the table.

Juliet grasped the rose and she sniffed it grinning from ear to ear. She specked a note lying in the rose she pulled it out and glances at the writing on the note, 'Good morning sunshine!' A smiley face was sketched under the writing. Juliet sniffed the rose again and she let out a chuckle.

Jansen walked across Mia's bedroom and he halted besides her bed and dropped the tray on the bedside table.

"Love good morning. I made you breakfast. It is strong and bitter just the way you prefer it. Hon..., " he held her hand and she pulled it from his grip sharply and rose to her feet folding her arms.

"How dare you greet me good morning when you ditched me last night? Yesterday was our wedding anniversary and nothing even happened. I tolerated the nights you spend away from home at the office, I handled not having breakfast or lunch or dinners with you but you ignoring the day of our wedding anniversary I can't tolerate that too! I was looking forward to that day and I was thrilled because I thought when the day finally comes, you and I are gonna spend a whole day together just the two of us." Mia's voice cracked as she spoke and tears exited her eyes.

Jansen's eyes shrank tears was forming in his eyes, "hon I am really sorry I did not wish to miss our anniversary I tried to make it here on time believe me my love. I got you a fancy gift you will love it." He dipped his hand inside his pocket and pulled out a glistening silver necklace the rays of the sun reflected on the necklace it sparkled in her eyes.

Mia grasped the necklace and Jansen's eyes expanded feeling astonished glancing at her hurling the necklace at the wall. "How dare you give me an expensive jewel!" She screeched, "I know it's worth a million. Did you think giving me that jewelry's gonna erase the hurt I feel? How dare you use that thing to make up for what you did? I don't need gifts or flowers just your time with me is enough. I want you available for me like it is your job. I can afford a thousand jewels I don't want you to give me any I want you to give me you."

Jansen advanced closer to her, he laid his hand on her waist and looked into her eyes, "hon I'm gonna spend the entire afternoon and evening today with you let's go out together to a beach we can even fly to Miami anywhere you wish. I will cancel all of my schedules today I do not care if I'm going to get a query."

Mia held his arms and she pushed him gently backwards, "no matter the places you'll take me to be it Miami or Australia, it will not feel that special to me or intriguing since our anniversary has passed. Yesterday was special and no other day can be as special as yesterday, " she sniffed, "I am ill I can't move around i'll feel feeble than I already am." She walked past him.

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