Untitled Part 51

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"You know what? Mia is a better woman than you." There was a glint of rage in his eyes.

"What did you say?" Juliet cast a scowl at him.

"She has always loved me. At least, she never deceived me nor lied to me. She has always been an honest woman but what about you? You not only deceived me, you watched me suffer mourning your death. I know Mia can never hurt me like you have. I shouldn't even have loved a woman like you."

Juliet's clenched her fists so hard her sharp nails dug into her skin. Inwardly, she was seething.

"Maybe it's a good thing you left me for good. That, you are dead since you stayed very far from me. I feel lucky I did not spend my time with a liar."

Juliet felt a prick of pain in her chest, his words were piercing her ears. Her hands were trembling at her hips. Jansen's cold gaze felt like a dagger piercing into her chest and she tried to fight back the tears welling in her eyes.

"When I told you ten years ago I will leave you alone, that I'm gonna let go of you, I was lying but now, I do mean it. I will not come close to you anymore. You were right when you said, you are the mistress and Mia is the legal wife cause Mia will keep on being my Legal wife. You will have no place in my life and in my heart. I don't wanna ever see a liar like you." His teeth clenched hard.

Juliet gulped a lump in a throat. She stared bitterly at Jansen as he edges away from her and approaches the living room exit. When he finally fade from her sight, she screeched at the top of her voice, "damn you Jansen..!" Her voice echoed in the entire room.

The rage she had been suppressing, she vent it out at the items in the room. And as if a violent windstorm was occuring, vases were flung off the glass tables they landed rashly on the floor erupting a squeaking sound. The flowers in the vase flew off the vase and was splattering on the floor like dust and she grabbed the cushions off the sofas flinging them like stones.

Brad was disturbed by the squeals he stepped out of his bedroom and hurried over to the stairway and he stared down at Juliet who was now flipping the chairs and tables like a maniac. Jansen's words oppressed her. His words stabbed at her like the claws of a hawk plunging its prey.

"Juliet?" He panicked. His eyes bulged in startlement staring at her. He had never seen her acting like a reckless thug, he scurried through the flight of stairs and hurried over to her. He caught hold of her hand before she could throw a vase at the TV screen. He pulled the voluptuous vase off her hands and he grabbed her arms and screamed at her face, "will you calm down Juliet?"

"It's not possible!, " she shrieked and a gush of tears splattered on her cheeks, "Jansen told me he regrets loving me, and that he doesn't wanna see me anymore Brad! I felt like I was getting torn in halves when he said that. What is more annoying, is that he compared me to that ruthless Mia! How dare he speak so highly of that woman and in front of me? Just because I was the mistress and I'm nothing like her who is his legitimate wife, he spoke to me like I were garbage. I hate him! I hate the both of them. They deserve each other Brad."

"Take it easy." Brad spoke with a soft voice.

"I don't wanna. If only he knows the Mia he is so proud of, is nothing but a murderer, he won't even speak of her. It hurts that I always have to be the victim while Mia gets her way. Why do I always lose to her? I lost my baby Lisa because of her, even my best friend Hailey and now, Jansen doesn't wanna have anything to do with me because of her."

Brad glid his manly hands from her arms to her waist and he stood so close to her, he stared straight into her eyes, "well you have me. I am always here."

"I'm no longer gonna lose to Mia, heck I nearly lose my life because of her but I won't be losing to her anymore. I will snatch everything she holds dear from her, I will make her world crumble, she will get to feel the beast in me she has awakened and I won't ever back down." Juliet's teeth clenched hard.

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